White Clay Mask for All Skin Types  

White Clay Mask for All Skin Types






1 Dessert Spoon of White Clay


1 Dessert of Lemon Juice


1 teaspoon of warm water


1 Teaspoon of Olive Oil


Preparation and application:


Combine all ingredients in a clean bowl in the specified dimensions and mix thoroughly.


Apply the mixture all over the face except the lips and eye area.


Wait for the mask to dry on your face.


Wash and clean your face with plenty of lukewarm water.

Dry your face with a paper towel.




All skin types can use this mask under the following conditions.


Dry skin can apply once in 2 weeks.


Oily skin can apply once a week.


Normal skin can apply once in 10 days.


2.Wrinkles may occur if it is applied to the eye area and lip area. It is an important issue that we will pay attention to when applying the mask.


3. When preparing the mask, the mask should neither be too firm nor too watery.


4. White clay mask has many positive effects on the skin. White clay;


It removes dirt from the skin and shrinks the pores. Thus, skin tightening occurs.


It increases blood circulation on the skin. After regular use, a lively skin appearance is obtained.


It delays the formation of wrinkles.


5. Before applying the white clay mask, clean your skin thoroughly with soap.


6. When preparing the white clay mask, use a glass or wooden spoon and bowl. Because the minerals in the white clay may not give the desired result when they come into contact with plastic or metal.


7. You can find our more extensive article on clays in the GENERAL INFORMATION category.

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