
What you should know about the Ebola virus

What you should know about the Ebola virus

What you should know about the Ebola virus










The Ebola virus is a new virus that we hear about these days in the news. It has caused panic for the World Health Organization. It is a truly dangerous virus that causes death most of the time, especially since there is no officially registered medicine to treat the virus. This is a full report from the Educate Yourself website about the disease caused by the Ebola virus to take. Caution and caution


Ebola virus:


It is a virus that causes hemorrhagic fever, which causes a lot of harm to humans and death by 90%. The Ebola virus was discovered for the first time in Central and West Africa near the rainforests in 1977 by two research teams, but the beginning of the emergence of the virus was in 1976 when it spread in Sudan, Nzara, and the Congo in the tribes that lived near the Ebola River. It was transmitted to humans through Wild animals and one of them was infected so that the virus could develop and transmit between humans. Fruit bats are the main carrier of the Ebola virus


Transfer method:


The Ebola virus spreads between humans through contaminated blood, transfer of organs from a person carrying the disease, or handling of animals carrying the disease. The virus was transmitted to the inhabitants of Africa through monkeys and fruit bats, then it was transmitted to the rest of the world through contact between humans through blood transfusion and organ transplantation. Even a person who has recovered from the disease can transmit it if his recovery period has not exceeded 7 weeks


Symptoms of Ebola virus:


Fever, a feeling of extreme weakness and weakness, severe muscle pain, headache, and sore throat, followed by vomiting, diarrhea, a skin rash, and poor kidney and liver function. There are some cases of internal and external diarrhea. You will find in the blood test results a sharp decrease in blood cells, platelets, and liver enzymes if a sick person appears. With Ebola, he must be isolated and not exposed to his blood for 61 days. The incubation period for the virus from infection until the disease appears is from two to 21 days.


Ebola virus treatment:


There is no registered treatment that specializes in treating the Ebola virus, but the patient is given plenty of fluids, either orally or intravenously. The patient is also given anticoagulants to control the infection, control the destruction of internal vessels, and some antifungals.


But the World Health Organization says there is a treatment currently being developed


Ebola prevention:


You should avoid visiting areas that contain the disease

You should avoid handling patients with bare hands

You should avoid using unknown-looking injections

Meat must be cooked well to kill viruses

You should take care of your personal hygiene


How to act if symptoms of the disease appear:


Since the symptoms of the disease are the same as the symptoms of other diseases in general, if the symptoms of the disease clear up in an area where the disease has been reported, you must go to the doctor.


Until the test results appear, you must continue to drink plenty of fluids and water to keep your body hydrated


If you find out that you are infected with the disease, you must go to the quarantine room in the nearest hospital in order to breathe through a respirator and take the appropriate medications.

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