What to Do Before Using Makeup


What to Do Before Using Makeup


Before starting make-up, if you do the following procedures in order, your make-up will look better and you will minimize the wear of your skin. It will also help you feel better and gain self-confidence. Because you will protect your skin beauty and skin health.

The procedures to be done before applying makeup should be as follows.

Skin Cleansing; It is the first thing you should do before starting makeup. Clean your face thoroughly with a soap suitable for your skin.

Moisturize Your Skin; Apply the moisturizing cream you use to your skin. Wait 5-10 minutes. If you use foundation for your skin, make-up will take on some task. You will minimize the harmful effects of foundation.

Oral care; An important factor that will reveal lipstick in a beautiful make-up is teeth. Brush your teeth, which will come out with beautiful smiles.

Lip Care; In order for the lipstick to be more effective on your lips, it is necessary to moisturize the lips. Use lip cream or if you want to moisturize your lips and make your lips look plump, you can activate the time by choosing an easy lip plumping mask in the application. The process done in this way allows the lipstick to stay longer on the lips and the lipstick looks more beautiful.

Eyelids; You need to apply headlight base to increase the permanence of the eyeshadows you apply on your eyes while making makeup. In this way, you do not have to check your eye makeup all day or night.

Spots on the face; In order for your make-up to be beautiful, it is necessary to cover the freckles and spots on the face. The best products that eliminate color differences are concealers. With concealers, you can hide blemishes on your skin, bruises and redness under the eyes. You can eliminate color differences with the help of a concealer that is suitable for skin color. You can do this application before foundation, you can do it after foundation. It is a method up to the preference of the person.

Things to Consider Before Using Makeup:

First of all, the preparations made before starting the makeup should not be rushed. The more you care about your make-up, the more you care about your skin and you will ensure that your make-up is perfect.

Always keep your hands clean when using cosmetic products. Because you do not use your make-up products for once. Because you use it permanently, you cause the proliferation of harmful microorganisms such as bacteria and viruses.

Use a brush or spatula as auxiliary products when making makeup.

If you do not moisturize the skin before applying makeup, pimples and wrinkles and sagging will occur on the skin at an early age.

Make sure that the moisturizer you use is oily and of good quality.

If you use makeup on a sunny day and want to protect your skin from the harmful effects of the sun, you can use sunscreen instead of moisturizer.

Wearing makeup; There should not be applications that are always heavy, with plenty of foundation and where the colors lose their harmony. Almost every woman does not enter the environment without makeup in daily life (especially if she is a working woman). However, it should not be forgotten; You should be more careful when using these products that are applied to your skin and contain many kinds of chemicals. Today you can look beautiful with make-up, but as you age and if you keep skin in contact with chemical products, you will not be left with your today’s beauty. For this reason, try to stay away from heavy make-up and makeup with plenty of foundation as much as possible in order to protect our beauty. Much lighter than foundation instead

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