
What should you pay attention to when using false eyelashes? 8 Tips for Using False Eyelashes

What should you pay attention to when using false eyelashes? 8 Tips for Using False Eyelashes

Eyelash care is something that many people wonder about. Many women use false eyelashes or magnetic eyelashes to make their eyelashes look more voluminous . How much do you know about false eyelashes, which have become even more popular lately? Is it safe to use false eyelashes? Here are suggestions from experts about false eyelashes, their use and care…

1. Can you apply mascara on false eyelashes?

fake eyelashes

Even if you use false eyelashes, sometimes you may want to use mascara to increase the effect even more. According to experts; You can apply mascara while using false eyelashes. However, there are a few points you should pay attention to;

– You should use special mascaras for false eyelashes. Standard mascaras may contain oils that will react and dissolve with the false eyelash glue. Thus, you shorten the usage time of your eyelashes. You should read the list of ingredients very carefully and make sure that there is no oil in it.
– You should not use waterproof mascara, as this can reduce the effectiveness of your eyelash glue. 
– When applying mascaras, be careful not to thicken your eyelashes. This can cause an exaggerated appearance. It can also weigh down the lashes.

2. What should you use to remove the make-up you applied to false eyelashes?

fake eyelashes

If you have used false eyelashes, you should use a water-based make-up remover on your face. They do not remove makeup as quickly as special gels, but they do not dissolve the glue used to fix eyelashes. This is necessary for your eye health. 

3. Can you remove your false eyelashes yourself?

fake eyelashes

When removing false eyelashes, we all get nervous. But actually removing them is pretty simple. There are a few things you need to pay attention to. Definitely like not using your nails. As for how to remove false eyelashes;

– Apply the cream to your eyelashes with a silicone stick or cotton swab
– Leave it like that for a while (approximately 4 minutes)
– Then separate the eyelashes with tweezers, pull them from the ends.
– Once you have removed all the lashes, clean the skin as usual.

4. Do you really need a trimmer for false eyelashes?

fake eyelashes

Eyelash artists often try to sell this to customers and say it will extend the life of their false eyelashes. But is it really that important to use this trimmer?
– Corrective eyelashes are not applied to prolong their life, but to preserve their original shape.
– If you use this trimmer frequently, it can make lashes sticky and eventually make them look terrible.

5. Do false eyelashes harm eye health?

This is a really difficult question. Experienced eyelash artists claim that there is no such risk. Ophthalmologists say they regularly have to deal with the consequences of false eyelashes. However, we can list the risks of false eyelashes for the eyes as follows;

– Very thick eyelashes can create a fan effect. This increases the amount of air blown into the eye, causing it to dry faster. This may cause discomfort.
– Many types of glue contain formaldehyde, which can cause an allergic reaction. That’s why when you’re going to buy your first false eyelashes, you should make sure you use a good lash glue.
– Staphylococcus aureus bacteria live in our eyelashes. These bacteria are not harmful unless there are too many. However, false eyelashes can cause bacteria to multiply, which can lead to blepharitis, a very difficult condition to treat.

6. What should be in the office of someone who practices false or silk eyelashes?

fake eyelashes

Silk eyelash application is also very popular recently. What should be in the office of beauticians who apply silk eyelashes?

– The room needs to be at the right temperature. Because each glue used to bond the eyelashes has different temperatures to dry. If this does not happen, the glue may dry incorrectly.
– On the other hand, the humidity balance of the room should be adjusted well for the same reason
– All instruments used must be sterilized. 

7. Why do silk or false eyelashes fall off so fast?

This may be due to a usage error. Shower should not be taken in the first hours after eyelashes are applied. On the other hand, before applying eyelashes, you should warn the beautician about allergic reactions and vitamin deficiency. On the other hand, you should not rub your eyes frequently.

8. Does your eyelashes fall out indicates that the procedure was done incorrectly?

Beauticians also make mistakes from time to time. However, if your eyelashes began to fall very quickly, the following problems may have occurred;

– The beautician may have used the wrong glue
– Your eyes may be wet during the procedure and the beautician may not have noticed it
– The beautician may not have set the correct humidity and temperature in the room

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