
What is Vitamin D? What are the Benefits for Body and Skin?

What is Vitamin D? What are the Benefits for Body and Skin?

While some vitamins can be synthesized by the organism, some vitamins need to be taken from the outside as supplements. An important part of vitamin D, which is an important vitamin for our body, can be synthesized by the body. But when vitamin D can not be synthesized enough, some discomforts arise. Vitamin support that is lacking can be met in natural ways. But vitamin D can also be taken in supplement form, such as drops or ampoules. So how do we know if we have a vitamin D deficiency in our body? What are the benefits of vitamin D bulb on the skin? How is the relationship between vitamin D deficiency and skin? Does vitamin D deficiency make you a percentage stigma? What are the benefits of vitamin D? We have answered all the questions you are curious about. Here are the questions about vitamin D in 5 ingredients…


1. What is vitamin D?


First of all, what is vitamin D? We want to identify what vitamin D is before we talk about its benefits to the skin. Vitamin D helps regulate calcium and phosphorus absorption. Vitamin D taken into the body helps strengthen the muscles and prevents fractures that may occur as a result of falls. Vitamin D is highly valuable in supporting healthy bone formation and maintaining bone health. The main reason for this is that calcium, which is the basic component of bone, is absorbed by the body only with vitamin D. So how is it produced? Vitamin D synthesis is provided in our body by converting a certain chemical in the skin into an active form of vitamin (calciferol). The amount of vitamin D that our skin produces; varies depending on the time, season and skin pigmentation. Depending on the habitat and lifestyle, there may also be a decrease in vitamin D production.


2. How is vitamin D deficiency understood?


The benefits of vitamin D to the skin are quite high. Vitamin D supplemented with the appropriate dose is generally safe. But too much vitamin D taken into the body can lead to harmful effects. Depending on the vitamin D taken in high amounts; nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, weakness, kidney damage, confusion and heart rhythm problems can be experienced. In addition, vitamin D taken in too much dose; can cause high blood pressure, tissue and joint calcification, kidney stone formation and increase in blood level calcium. A lack of vitamin D can also cause many diseases. In everyday life, there is an increase in vitamin D deficiency due to working in airless environments, being away from sports activities and malnutrition. As other symptoms, in vitamin D deficiency; body pain, weakness, bone pain, hair loss, difficulty walking, weakness, headache, depression, rapidly changing mood, insomnia, constant coldness, sweating, excessive, difficulty in losing weight, such as symptoms may be listed.


3. What are the benefits of vitamin D?


Vitamin D has many benefits for the body. It is very important for muscle and bone health. Vitamin D protects the immune system. It is active in preventing immune diseases such as asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, crohn’s disease, Multiple Sclerosis disease. It also controls the growth of cancer cells, preventing colon cancer and breast cancer in particular. It lowers cholesterol and prevents heart disease. Depression, etc., plays an important role in the treatment of mental disorders. Vitamin D is also very important for the synthesis of blood clotting factors.


Vitamin D, which is valuable for skin health, is also preferred in the treatment of skin diseases such as psoriasis. The healing of even the slightest scars and scrap marks in the body occurs with vitamin D. Repairs and strengthens skin cells. So does vitamin D deficiency make it a percentage pimple? The answer will be yes. Vitamin D reduces the production of acne and acne and regenerates the skin. In its deficiency, the formation of acne is inevitable. It also helps to strengthen the nail and hair structure.


4. What are vitamin D sources?

The main source of vitamin D, which is vital for our body, is the sun. Vitamin D is produced as a result of certain metabolic processes that occur following the contact of ultraviolet rays to the skin. Depending on this, every day, faces and arms can be open, paying attention to the angle of arrival of the sun and getting enough vitamin D by sunbathing. Nutrients are quite important for vitamin D supplementation. However, it is not possible to provide your daily vitamin D needs with nutritional supplements only. We would like to remind you that only 20% of the daily requirement of vitamin D is met with nutrients. That’s why sun taking advantage of the light will be the most important step at this point. Vitamin D deficiency can also be met with the use of drops and ampoules containing vitamin D in doctor control.


What foods is vitamin D found in? Let’s answer immediately: Salmon, sardine, fatty fish, milk, potatoes, eggs, mushrooms, cereals. But while nutrients can support vitamin D supplementation, the important step is your contact with the sun’s rays. As we mentioned, our body is able to carry out the vitamin D synthesis cycle only with the help of sun rays. However, we would like to underline that this does not mean staying under the sun for hours unprotected. Experts say that sunbathing for 11:00 to 15:00 minutes, depending on the angle of the sun, for 20 minutes will be beneficial for vitamin D synthesis. At this point, we would also like to remind you not to neglect to use sunscreen.


5. How is vitamin D used?


Treatment for vitamin D deficiency is carried out by injection or by oral vitamin D. The most suitable treatment option for you; vitamin deficiency is determined by your doctor according to your condition, age and other factors. The injection method in vitamin D supplementation may be a more facilitating option for people who do not like taking medication every day or forget about their medication time. The single dose of drug injection can meet the individual’s needs for 6 months. In oral treatments, it is important to take the medicine regularly and for a long time, daily, weekly or monthly. Vitamins supplements are recommended to be taken with a meal that contains fat. Can vitamin D be applied to the skin or applied directly to the face? Vitamin D supplementation can affect the skin surface with nutrients, ampoules, drops and medications. Vitamin D ampoule skin if we come to the benefits, it first renews the skin texture and provides a fresh image. But let us remind you again that it should be used under the supervision of a specialist doctor.



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