What is the process of lifting the face with liquids? 


We don’t know if it’s the countless hours we spend staring at screens these days or the stress built up over the past two years, but it looks like we aged a decade overnight. And yes, we would be lying if we said it didn’t bother us at all. Because here’s the thing: it’s not that we don’t mind getting old, we just want to look less tired, so what is a facelift  with fluids?

Face lift with fillers and botox 

face modification agent

What is the process of lifting the face with liquids?
A liquid facelift is a technique that combines the use of dermal fillers and neurotoxins (such as Botox injections) to smooth, tighten and define the contours of the face. .
A liquid face lift takes all these factors into consideration and treats them accordingly. It treats hyperactive muscles with nervous modifiers (such as Botox) and soft tissue deficiency using fillers  The areas commonly injected with Botox include the upper face, between the eyebrows, crow’s feet, smile lines, lines around the lips, enlarged chin and neck muscles. Areas where fillers are most often injected include the temples (where there is a cavity), cheekbones, jaw, and around the mouth and lips.

Who is a suitable candidate for a face-lift with liquids?
Everyone ages, but there are many factors that affect how quickly and how often a person shows signs of aging  , including genetics, weight fluctuations, and external factors such as exposure to sunlight. However, there is no specific age group or ideal candidate for a liquid facelift. Patients may vary in age from their 30s to their 60s, and their goals may include tightening and sculpting areas of the face, while other patients hope to regain lost volume.
Fortunately for anyone interested in injectables, fillers have changed dramatically over the years. For starters, it’s made with “safe, biodegradable, polysaccharide-derived hyaluronic acid.” While fillers help reduce premature or less severe signs of aging, patients with severe sagging skin may want to consider a surgical consultation.
What can I expect at my appointment? How do I prepare for it?
You will usually start with a consultation, where the upper, middle and lower face is reached, and you will be given recommendations tailored to your problem. There is no one size fits all – nor should it be considered that everyone’s facial features are different.
As for preparing for the procedure itself, he recommends avoiding blood-thinning products for one to two weeks before any injections and applying ice to any areas of discomfort or mild swelling as needed afterward.

How long do results last?
Results can last up to two years and patients are usually advised to return for follow-up after two weeks, and then every three months to assess if any maintenance is needed

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