
What is the best oil to put on your skin?

What is the best oil to put on your skin?

Natural oils have been used for centuries in different cultures for skin care, but now there are many who do not prefer to use natural oils to care for their skin, and are not convinced of the benefit of applying these oils on their faces, but oils are very useful for you, provided that you know the right type for your skin and how to use it.

whiteness of skin

Here we tell you how to choose the right oil for your skin type:

Natural oils can be used for all skin types, and the fact that oil is not used with oily skin is a false myth, the right oil will strengthen and soften oily skin, and certainly better than those chemicals that are used on the skin and that may contain unnatural perfumes that harm you, the right oil will help Your skin to restore its balance.

  • And when you choose the oil for your skin, there are a set of factors that you must take into account, it must be organic and vegetarian, so that this oil is equivalent to the natural oils that your skin secretes, and mineral oils, which are used in making moisturizers and make-up, which prevent your skin from Breathe, close the pores of your skin.

In order to determine the right oil for you, you must know your skin type, as well as be brave in experimenting with different oils, and making different mixtures to get the perfect oil for your skin, which you can use as a moisturizer, or as a sunscreen.

Tea tree oil for oily and acne-prone skin:

Tea tree oil can be used to reduce infection in the skin, as well as to care for oily skin, and prevent acne breakouts.

Grape seed oil for skin tone:

Grape seed oil is great for distributing lipids in the skin, and it is rich in antioxidants and vitamin C, which helps to brighten and tone the skin.

Chia seeds for sensitive and irritated skin:

This oil is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which protect and calm the outer layer of the skin, and contains antioxidants, which reduce acne pores, and make the skin smoother

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