
What is hair filler and what are its components, benefits, types, how to use and risks?

What is hair filler and what are its components, benefits, types, how to use and risks?


The beauty of women’s hair is necessary because it reflects on their appearance and self-confidence, and every woman should look for the best medical preparations for hair care, so a thin magazine in this article answers some of the common questions that most ladies and girls have been repeating recently ” what is hair filler, what are its components, benefits, types, “

What is hair filer ?

Hair Filler is not a specific substance used to treat hair as some might think, but it is the procedure performed by a group of substances on the hair. Fill is a group of fillers that are used to inject into the hair and increase the thickness and density of the hair, so the result is that the hair looks denser and stronger.

Ingredients of hair filers

The filer includes some substances that increase the shine of the hair and reduce breakage and Haishan, make the hair look healthy, shiny, beautiful and easy to style, and make you use the traditional lotions and methods of hair straightening, the components of the hair filer are:

Hyaluronic acid

The essential function of this acid is to absorb water 1,000 times the volume of water and encapsulate the cells to keep them fresh, hydrated and fresh for as long as possible so the hair looks healthier and shiny.


Often similar to the hyaluronic component in that it is a natural substance also present in the hair and its main function is to encapsulate the hair to protect and increase the thickness and increase strength, protect and treat from Split ends and brittle hair.

Argan oil

Essential oil extracted from the fruits of the argan tree is one of the most important components of the hair filler because it is rich in fatty acids, vitamin E, omega 6 and omega 9.

The function of argan essential oil is to activate the vital functions of skin and hair cells, and nourish your hair with all the essential moisturizing elements, antioxidants and vitamins that get rid of the problem of fragility, weakness and brittleness; so your hair becomes smooth, healthy and silky as you like.


A very important compound and ingredient and has a great role in tightening and singling your hair fibers and making them more flexible in order to completely protect your hair from the problem of Split ends caused by external factors such as shampooing and hair detergents or harmful sunlight or dust, and also increases its density.

Benefits of hair filers

The benefits of hair fillers can be summarized as follows:

Helps promote hair health and regeneration from the inside, because it contains Hyaluron compound.

This is because the fine particles that make up it cling to the hair stem, giving it density and vitality.

It covers the hair voids, makes them look denser, knowing that it can not work in completely hairless areas.

It is considered the ideal option for light hair if applied every six weeks.

Composed of naturally extracted keratin protein, it has become the most popular and most widely used filler treatment because it is economical, easy to use, fragrance-free and provides natural hair coverage.

Available in many colors to suit the natural hair color, more than one color of the filer can be mixed to reach the desired color.

Blemishes and blemishes in the hair instantly blur, so that these areas appear full of hair, and the filler is a supplement to hair treatments that can take some time to show the desired results because it gives the hair an immediate effect to the hair.

Types of hair filers

Ordinary therapeutic fillers

It is used to treat hair from Split ends and increase its density, which gives the appearance of less Thinning Hair and increase its health and vitality.

Filer hair coloring

It combines the treatment of hair and dyeing it with the preferred color away from harmful chemicals.

Hair straightener and treatment

This combines the straightening of the hair with the treatment of Split ends and Haishan, and the therapeutic filler is damaged by the presence of a substance that straightens the hair and the results are perfectly smooth hair. This is in contrast to the therapeutic filler, which separates the hair relatively as a result of increasing the thickness of the hair, which makes it very loose.

Who can use hair filers?

Filler injections for hair problems are one of the ideal solutions for some cases, and one of the most important categories that can use this method of treatment:

Both men, women, or even children older than the age of three who have hair problems such as hair loss, thinning or weak hair.

Filer hair treatment is especially recommended for those who suffer from Split ends, dry hair and brittle hair.

Recommended also for those who suffer from hair damage due to exposure to heat, chemical agents and various resort to Hair Treatment Air.

Filler is very suitable for those who wish to coloring their hair to health, frequently so that it protects their hair from exposure to the harmful effects of dyeing your hair frequently.

Filer is the ideal therapeutic alternative for straightening and shaping hair for those who are allergic to Botox and protein products for straightening hair.

In general, you should check the appropriateness of using the filler for your hair from your doctor, and make sure that it does not conflict with any therapeutic or cosmetic substance or any product you are currently using to treat your hair.

Method of using hair filers

Depending on the condition of your hair, you may need to repeat the hair treatment with fillers from two or three times a week, up to 20 times over a few months, or about 5-6 months.:

The first step for all different hair treatment methods is to wash the hair and rid it of fat, deposits and dust stuck in it.

Apply the filer to the hair and preferably apply the straightening method to the hair until it reaches all the hairs.

The filler is left on the hair for 20-40 minutes, and does not use any kind of heat to help drink it. The most you can need is to wear a waterproof headdress during the time you spend waiting to drink hair for the filler.

Unlike the different methods used to treat hair such as Botox, keratin, and protein, you do not need to fix the filer on the hair using a hair straightener, the therapeutic use of the filer is limited to impregnate the hair and absorb it well, which increases the safety of this treatment method and reduces the potential damage to the hair.

The filler is washed off the hair and the results appear immediately after washing.

It may be necessary to repeat the filler injection several times before reaching the desired condition of the hair, and this may be due to significant damage and damage to the hair.

My experience with hair fillers

Hair Treatment Air is not considered of major operations where this process does not take a recovery period and can return to your normal life the same day without any problems. However, the use of the usual hair products should be avoided during the first days after the use of the filler to thicken the hair, so that there is no conflict between these products.

Tell em. As her experience with hair filer for thin magazine she says:

“My hair began shopping about five months ago, I think this happened because of the psychological pressure large went through, but I’m not sure of the reason, there may be a genetic factor in it. And that’s when my scalp started to appear, and I looked awful. I lost confidence in myself and started to hate my hair styling, something I loved so much, I even thought about using hair filers.

I researched well and identified one of the products that I thought was suitable for my hair type, and consulted a cosmetologist. Then I bought the product online and the results were amazing.

Since the first session I did at my house I noticed the hair thickening increase, and now after three treatment sessions over the course of a whole month I can barely see my scalp. I am completely satisfied with the results, my hair has become stronger and looks healthier. I recommend everyone who has the problem of hair loss and thinning to make hair filler injections.”

Are there damage to hair filers?

The World Health Organization (who) has confirmed that it is a completely safe treatment on the scalp and reduce hair loss and hair loss for adults and children over the age of three, without mentioning any damage or potential risks of treatment; because it is made from 100% natural materials and the components do not cause any damage to the hair follicles, or the scalp.

Side effects are rare and limited, and may occur only in the following cases:

The likelihood of redness of the injected area of the scalp may last from several minutes to several hours at most.

If a trusted doctor does not choose to perform the injection, infections or complications may occur in the treated area.

When using cheap or non-original products, the opposite results may occur.

Based on the above we advise you to in the journal thin to give your hair the finest and the best kinds, as you should choose your doctor carefully to avoid damage resulting from poor choice of treatment or physician associate.

Hair filer price

One of the disadvantages of hair fillers is that it is rather expensive, and a person may need more than twenty sessions depending on the type and problems of hair, as many people see that the cost of using fillers for hair is not small if compared to the prices of other hair care preparations, doctors usually prescribe types of fillers that are expensive.

Different Feller hair from Botox in that it is on the therapy sessions, you won’t need to pay the full cost in the same meeting as in the case of Botox people. And the cost of one session ranges between $ 20 and $ 200 USD, and depends on several factors, including:

The type of filler used (therapeutic only – hair coloring – hair).

As in all cosmetics, consumer confidence in the brand and its popularity affect its price, and the most famous brands of hair fillers are Nexxus®, herbal hair extract ®, and colorful professional ®.

The length and density of the hair, the more length and density you need to consume a larger amount of filler.

The more severe the damage, the greater the amount of Feller is required.

At the end of this article we have answered the question of what is hair filler in detail by explaining its ingredients, benefits and types as well as the way it is used and its price . We hope that we have given you the benefit you deserve, and we are always waiting for your inquiries and comments.

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