What Is Good For A Runny Nose?

What causes a runny nose and how is it treated? What are the home remedies for a runny nose?


A runny nose is caused by excessive mucus production in the nose and can generally be explained as excessive nasal discharge. It can be a fluid, clear liquid, thicker mucus, or a consistency in between. The discharge may cause secretions to drip out of your nose or down the back of your throat.


Nasal congestion may also accompany a runny nose from time to time, and the most common cause is a viral infection of the sinuses, typically the common cold. In other cases, a runny nose may be due to cold weather, allergies, sinusitis, or other causes.


On its own, a runny nose is usually nothing to worry about. If you do not have any other symptoms, it is possible to manage a runny nose at home with natural care options that do not involve medication. Here are the methods that are good for a runny nose…


Drink Plenty of Fluids


If you also have symptoms of nasal congestion, drinking fluids and staying hydrated can help when dealing with a runny nose. Drinking plenty of fluids will thin the mucus in your sinuses to a runny consistency and allow it to be easily expelled for you. Otherwise, it can become thick and sticky, which can further clog your nose. At the same time, drinks that cause more thirst, such as coffee and alcohol, should be avoided


Prefer Hot Herbal Teas


Hot drinks like tea can sometimes be more beneficial than cold ones. This is because of its heat and vapors, which help open the airways and relieve congestion. Teas containing anti-inflammatory and antihistamine herbs such as chamomile, ginger, mint or nettle should be preferred.


Make a cup of hot herbal tea and inhale the steam before drinking. Sore throat often accompanies a runny nose – drinking hot herbal tea can also help soothe a sore throat.


Humidify the Air


Inhaling the hot steam from a humidifier significantly improves the mucus buildup caused by allergic rhinitis. Similarly, a study of people with the common cold found that using steam inhalation was highly effective.


Air humidifiers work by turning water into steam to humidify dry air. When you breathe in moisture, it helps thin and dislodge mucus and soothe irritated sinuses. If you decide to use an air humidifier, it is important that you clean it regularly according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Otherwise, it can become a breeding ground for microorganisms such as mold and bacteria that can exacerbate sinus problems

Try the Steam Bath


Like a humidifier or a warm cup of tea, a facial steam can help loosen mucus and relieve a runny nose. For this, firstly, heat the water in a clean pot until steam is formed, but do not let it boil. Place your face slightly above the steam for about 5 minutes at a time. Do not let your face touch the water. Close your eyes and take deep breaths through your nose. Take a break if your face gets too hot. Blow your nose afterwards to get rid of mucus. If you still have symptoms, repeat the process 2 or 3 times a day.


If you want, you can also add a few drops of essential oil to your facial steaming water. Eucalyptus, peppermint, pine, rosemary, sage, peppermint, tea tree, and thyme essential oils are great options.


Apply Hot Compress


Applying a warm compress to your forehead and nose several times a day can help improve your runny nose and relieve sinus pressure. A warm compress works by increasing blood circulation in your sinus area and can help relieve nasal congestion by adding moisture to the air you breathe.


To make your own hot compress at home, dip a clean cloth in hot (non-boiling) water and place it on your forehead and nose for 15 to 20 minutes. Reapply as needed.


Tips for Dealing with a Runny Nose


A runny nose is a sign of an immune system reaction. Intense work of your immune system can make you feel more tired than usual. Even if you don’t have other symptoms, you still need to take care of yourself.


You can try the following tips to deal with a runny nose and its accompanying symptoms;


Get a good rest: Make sure your runny nose doesn’t interfere with your sleep. Take a hot shower before going to bed or use a humidifier in your bedroom.


Drink fluids: Make sure you drink plenty of fluids to prevent dehydration. Make sure your body is not dehydrated during the illness.


Wash your hands: Even if you never leave the house, prevent the spread of germs by washing your hands frequently with soap and water.


Disinfect surfaces: Take some time to wipe surfaces and objects that you regularly touch with disinfectant. So you prevent the spread of the disease.


Stay at home: Even if you have no other symptoms, it’s a good idea to stay home when you have a runny nose so as not to make others sick.








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