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What happens to the body when eating apples daily? - Care Beauty

What happens to the body when eating apples daily?

the doctor indicates that if a person wants to get rid of excess weight, he must add apples to his diet, because the calories per 100 fresh and cooked apples are equivalent to 50 kilocalories, and in dried apples to 250 kilocalories.


And the expert adds, it is better not to eat apples with milk and dairy products, because it causes flatulence. But it can be eaten with pastries, nuts and non-acidic fruits such as bananas, and with poultry and poultry meat. Cooked (roasted) apples help digest fatty foods quickly.


And regarding which types of apples are better, green or red, the expert says, “You can eat two large apples or three medium-sized apples a day. Apples contain iron, magnesium, potassium, vitamins C, A, and beta-carotene, as one apple provides 25% of the body’s need for vitamin C.” And 5-6 seeds contain the body’s daily need for iodine.


She adds, the nutrient content in apples depends on the color. For example, the percentage of carotene in red and yellow apples is higher than in green apples, while the percentage of iron in green apples is higher than in red ones. Diabetics and those who want to lose weight are not advised to eat sweet apples.


The expert points out that it is wrong to raise the percentage of iron in the body by relying on apples, because in this case, 1.5-2 kilograms of apples should be eaten per day. Because one apple contains 0.1-2.2 milligrams of iron, and the body’s daily need is 15-18 milligrams.


And she adds, even apple jam is useful, because the potassium, which is beneficial for the heart and blood vessels, found in apples, is not destroyed by heat treatment. Also, the pectin present in the pulp and peel of apples is useful for cleansing the intestines and removing toxins from the body.


And the doctor says, “Eating one apple a day leads to an improvement in digestion and skin, and a reduction in cholesterol levels. That is, apples indirectly affect the level of blood pressure, and this means that it is beneficial for those who suffer from high blood pressure. But we must realize that apples alone It cannot affect weight and health, so the diet must be completely modified.”


According to her, when eating apples half an hour before eating a meal, it increases appetite, and this is harmful for those who suffer from digestive problems such as gastritis, especially stomach and intestinal ulcers. Eating apples on an empty stomach is also harmful, like other fruits and acidic foodstuffs, because it can cause flatulence, irritation of the mucous membranes, and exacerbation of chronic diseases due to the amount of coarse dietary fiber. And she adds that the apple-based diet is valid for one day only for people who are in good health and do not suffer from any problem. Because the acids in fresh apples (citric, malic and tartaric) can cause inflammation of the bile sac. Cooked apples are good for the elderly, and those with sensitive teeth and gums.