
Ways to lift the face

Ways to lift the face

Ways to lift the face


As the years pass, the skin, especially the skin of the face, begins to produce smaller amounts of natural oils than the necessary natural level, which causes it to suffer from a state of constant dryness and sagging that accompanies this. In order to avoid falling into this problem, or at least reduce its aggravation, it is necessary to take care of the skin early in order to avoid aging that affects the skin with age.



Natural mixtures are among the best easy solutions that do not contain negative side effects, and which help to care for and tighten facial skin and protect it from sagging and dryness. The following mixtures are considered among the most effective methods used to lift the face.



Face lift methods


Egg white mask mixture:


We beat the white of one egg, and put the mixture on the facial skin until it dries itself, after that we wash the face with lukewarm water until the mixture disappears completely.



Flour mask mixture with egg whites:


We mix the egg whites with flour and a little honey and glycerin. We then cover the face with the mixture and leave it until it dries on its own. After that, we rinse the face with lukewarm water. We must note that we only use glycerin for dry skin, and we should avoid using it if The skin was naturally oily.



This method not only tightens the face, but it has other benefits that help absorb all excess oils from the skin and stimulate blood circulation in it, in addition to its benefits in getting rid of darkening of the skin, pimples, and freckles.



Yogurt mask mixture with egg whites:


This mixture consists of a tablespoon of yogurt, which we mix well with a little white sugar and egg whites. We place the mixture as a mask on the face until it dries completely on its own, then we rinse the face well after that using lukewarm water. In addition to tightening the face, this mixture is considered one of the mixtures that help It exfoliates the skin and removes dead skin from it, moisturizes it, and corrects any early wrinkles before they appear and form.



Rice flour mask mixture with cabbage and oil:


We use two or three boiled cabbage leaves and mix them well with a mixture of rice flour and olive oil or bitter almond oil. We place the leaves on the entire face until the mixture mixed with the leaves dries. Oil should not be used if the skin is oily. Egg whites can also be added to the previous mixture. .



Honey mask mixture with cabbage leaves, yogurt, and oil:


We mix the cabbage leaves with yogurt, honey and oil – olive oil or almond oil – and we only use the oil for dry skin. We put the leaves to cover the entire face for twenty minutes and then wash it with lukewarm water after that.

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