The benefits of watermelon are related to weight loss, and also because of its diuretic and cleansing effect on the kidneys, and it helps in strengthening the body’s defenses, as it is an excellent source of vitamin C.
The fruit also helps protect the skin from the sun through the presence of lycopene and improves bowel function due to the fact that it contains fiber and water.
Also, watermelon regulates blood pressure due to potassium and magnesium and strengthens bones, through good amounts of calcium that it provides to the body.
The red portion of watermelon is rich in antioxidant carotenoids, beta-carotene and lycopene.
The benefits of pineapple start with its anti-inflammatory action, because it is rich in bromelain, and it also prevents heart disease and cancer, because it is rich in vitamin C, in addition to strengthening the body’s defenses.
In addition, it reduces the risk of stroke, because it contains bromelain and antioxidants, relieves joint pain, acts as an anti-inflammatory, and is especially indicated for people with rheumatoid arthritis.
Like watermelon, it also aids in weight loss by being rich in fiber and water, which increase satiety.
Beta-carotene can help maintain healthy skin and hair and make them more beautiful, finally, the fruit reduces muscle pain caused by physical activities and aids in muscle recovery. See more about the benefits and properties of pineapple.
The combination of these two fruits can enhance the detoxifying and hydrating effect in the body, helping to lose weight and promote health.
The melon and pineapple smoothie recipes below are easy to prepare and can include other nutritious ingredients and fruits.
Watermelon and Pineapple Juice
the ingredients
A small slice of pineapple
A medium slice of watermelon
Snow to taste.
How to prepare
Cut the fruit into small pieces. You can keep the watermelon seeds. Blend everything in a blender for about 30 seconds. Drain through a colander and serve, no need for sweetening.
Watermelon, pineapple and ginger juice
the ingredients
A medium slice of pineapple
Snow to taste
A medium slice of watermelon.
A slice of fresh ginger.
How to prepare
Put all ingredients in a blender, mix well, add ice, and drink.
Watermelon, pineapple and mint juice
the ingredients
Two slices of watermelon
Slice of pineapple
3 mint leaves
A piece of ginger
100 ml of ice water
How to prepare
Blend all ingredients in a blender, strain and instantly serve with ice.
Watermelon juice with pineapple and lemon
the ingredients
Half a lemon juice
4 watermelon cubes
280g of pineapple.
How to prepare
Add the above ingredients and blend in a blender until smooth, add ice cubes and serve immediately.
Watermelon, pineapple and apple juice
the ingredients
3 slices of watermelon.
1 teaspoon ginger
1 slice of pineapple
A sliced apple with the skin
– Ice cubes to taste.
How to prepare
Mix everything in a blender, then serve immediately with ice.