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Types of tea that burn belly fat - Care Beauty

Types of tea that burn belly fat

Numerous studies have shown that some chemicals in herbal tea can prevent the body from absorbing fat. Here are 5 types of tea that may help with fat loss, according to the Times of India website.




Green tea




Full of antioxidants, this tea is a favorite of fitness enthusiasts as it helps increase metabolism and burn fat tissue, which leads to the release of fat from fat cells especially in the abdominal area.




white tea




Not only does it prevent the formation of new fat cells, but it also helps to use the released fats to produce the energy needed to work, and it also protects the skin from sun damage, which slows the aging process and breaks down cells.




black tea




Drinking a cup of black tea daily improves cardiovascular health and keeps the heart healthy by improving blood flow and dilation of blood vessels, but adding milk to it negates these benefits.




Oolong tea




Oolong tea is a Chinese herbal tea known for its ability to lose weight. Experts suggest that consuming oolong tea on a regular basis can help reduce cholesterol levels in a person’s body. It also helps in treating obesity by reducing hunger in the body.