To get glowing white feet, follow this recipe

The whiteness and softness of the feet are among the important and basic steps that women seek to obtain, as the glossiness of the feet shows the extent of the woman’s interest in her beauty, elegance and soft touch to her body, for this reason, ladies, we dedicate this distinctive recipe from our magazine, which gives an effective result for the feet.
Ingredients: 4 tablespoons of lemon juice + 2 tablespoons of chickpea flour + 1 tablespoon of rice water + 1 tablespoon of natural honey + 1 tablespoon of instant yeast
Method of preparation:
Mix all these ingredients until they are homogeneous and then apply them on your feet and put a plastic bag on it and leave the mixture on them for as long Night to get up in the morning and rinse with water. You will feel the difference from the first use, but it is necessary to repeat the recipe at least twice a week to get soft feet like the feet of children

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