To get a full face to you these mixtures

Do you suffer from a thin face, and do you want a quick and safe solution to enjoy a full, beautiful and attractive face? Today we offer you the most powerful and best recipes to get a full face, follow them with us, try them and share the results with us.


Yogurt full face mix, ingredients:


2 teaspoons of yogurt.


1 teaspoon of yeast.


Mix the ingredients and leave it on the face for a quarter of an hour, after it dries, wash it with warm water.





Yeast mask for fullness of the face, ingredients:


A teaspoon of honey.


A teaspoon of yeast.


Yogurt spoon.


A spoonful of lemon juice.


After mixing the ingredients, put them on the face for half an hour, and then wash your skin with warm water. Do not forget to use a moisturizing cream. Repeat the process for a week and you will see the result.


Quick info:


– Washing the face daily after waking up immediately with butter and sugar works to fill the skin and get rid of dead skin.


– To get full cheeks, crush an apple and apply the mixture on your face with a special facial massage and get a magical result.


Eating a little olive oil in your diet works to make the skin more red and bright.


A circular massage of the cheeks with the tips of the fingers, accompanied by sesame oil, gives fullness to the thin cheeks.

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