
The treatment of cracked feet

The treatment of cracked feet

Tips to treat cracked feet before summer
Many women suffer from the problem of cracked feet as a result of exposing the skin of the feet to different temperatures while wearing shoes or after taking them off, and standing for a long time while preparing meals in the kitchen causes these cracks to appear.

To get wet feet and free from the problem of annoying cracks before summer, follow the tips provided by your life magazine in this article to treat cracked feet.


The skin of the feet that suffers from cracks lacks the necessary moisture from time to time, so use natural ingredients such as olive oil or skin care products to massage the cracked area daily before bed to get rid of annoying cracks quickly.


You have to drink a large amount of water daily to get fresh skin, as water helps to get rid of dryness that leads to the appearance of cracks and works to purify the skin of toxins that cause cracks.


Cracks result from the skin not getting the nutrition it needs from the natural elements, and for this it is recommended to eat fresh vegetables and fruits to nourish the skin with the elements it needs to maintain its beauty and moisture.

Comfortable shoes

Make sure to wear comfortable shoes all the time and avoid those that are tight and cause sweaty feet to avoid getting cracked feet.


Clean your feet well using skin care products designed for this, so that you can get rid of the fungi and bacteria that cause the appearance of annoying cracks.


Be sure to exfoliate the skin of your feet from time to time to get rid of the dead and accumulated skin cells, as these cells cause the roughness of the skin of the feet. Use natural mixtures to implement this to notice the rapid response of your skin to become softer.

natural mixes

Use some natural mixtures that help get rid of cracks on the feet easily, such as the lemon mixture.

the components:

· Lemon juice
spoon of milk
· A spoonful of honey
· tablespoon of olive oil

How to prepare:

Wash your feet with warm water before using the mixture.
Massage the affected area of ​​​​the skin of the feet with lemon juice in light circular motions.
Then mix the rest of the ingredients in a suitable bowl.
Start by massaging the affected area with the mixture by making circular motions.
Keep massaging for 5 minutes, then wash your feet with cold water

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