Hair that grows under the skin can cause inflammation, pain and small bumps when trying to remove it. Ingrown hair under the skin is a common condition that results from hair removal, especially when removing facial hair by shaving or waxing, which leads to the appearance of curly hair. And you can get rid of ingrown hairs by not removing hair and resorting to hair removal methods that reduce the risk of developing ingrown hairs.
Symptoms of ingrown hairs under the skin:
Growing hair is more visible in males in the area of the beard, chin, cheeks and neck, and it can appear in the scalp of those who shave their heads and in the most common areas of growing hair such as the armpits, pubis, legs. Recipes for the treatment of excessive hair in the body
Signs of ingrown hair:
- Small bumps.
- small blisters
- darkening of the skin;
- pain .
- Itch .
A doctor must be seen in the case of excessive hair growth, called hirsutism, in order for the doctor to determine if the hair growth is caused by a hormonal abnormality, and this condition can be easily treated.
Causes of hair under the skin:
Curved hair follicles lead to the appearance of curly hair, and this stimulates the growth under the skin again, and as soon as the hair is cut, it begins to grow again. Also, when shaving dry hair, it leads to the appearance of ingrown hairs. You may also suffer from ingrown hairs if the skin is pulled from shaving, because this injures the skin and leads to hair entering the skin. Also, hair plucking can lead to a portion of hair remaining under the skin.
When hair penetrates your skin. People with high levels of sex hormones can lead to excessive hair growth
Complications of ingrown hairs:
- Bacterial infection (as a result of scratching).
- Darkening of the skin (hyperpigmentation).
- permanent scars
- Razor bumps.
Preparing for a doctor’s appointment:
You should resort to a specialized doctor (dermatologist), so you should prepare for the doctor’s appointment as much as possible, and here is a set of information that may help you before going to the doctor.
- Write down any symptoms you are experiencing, even if they are not related.
- Write a list of key personal information.
- Write a list of medications and vitamins.
Here are some of the questions you may ask your doctor:
- What is the most common cause of your condition?
- Do I need to do any tests?
- Is my condition chronic?
- What alternatives do I need to make?
- Are there alternative recipes for medicine?
- Would you recommend some things for me to do?
Questions the doctor can ask?
- How long have you been suffering from these symptoms?
- Are symptoms continuous or intermittent?
- Are the symptoms severe?
- Are there worse symptoms?
- What is the correct way to shave?
- What is the best hair removal technique?
Medicines the doctor may prescribe:
To help reduce the appearance of ingrown hairs, try reducing haircuts, not plucking hair, waxing until its condition improves. In case of no response, you can resort to a laser that prevents hair from growing under the skin again.
Your doctor may prescribe some medications to help control your health:
- A group of drugs that help remove dead skin cells such as retinoids and apply it to the skin such as tretinoin and other ingredients such as rinoa, retin and these elements help to get rid of dead skin cells.
- The doctor may prescribe creams to reduce inflammation, such as a steroid cream.
Home remedies to get rid of ingrown hairs under the skin:
Sugar: Sugar helps in exfoliating the skin and getting rid of ingrown hairs because it gently exfoliates the skin as it gets rid of dead skin cells and helps the ingrown hairs get out of the skin in addition to leaving the skin smooth.
How to use :
- Mix a cup of white sugar with half a cup of extra virgin olive oil or jojoba oil.
- Add 10 drops of tea tree oil and lavender essential oil.
- Apply a small amount of the mixture to the skin and rub the skin in a circular motion for a few minutes, then wash it off with lukewarm water.
- You can repeat this method for once a week or twice as needed.
- You can store the remaining amount in an airtight container for future use.
Baking soda: Baking soda has a soothing effect on the skin because it has anti-inflammatory properties in addition to relieving itching and reducing redness caused by ingrown hairs.
How to use :
- Mix one tablespoon of baking soda and one cup of water, then dip a piece of cotton in the solution and apply it to the affected skin and leave it for five minutes before washing it off with cold water. You can repeat this two or three times daily as needed.
- You can also make a mixture to massage the skin by mixing a small spoon of baking soda and oatmeal and one hanging of water and working to mix these ingredients together to make a paste and apply the mixture gently on the skin for no more than five minutes and then wash it with lukewarm water. You can repeat this method daily.
Tea tree oil: Tea tree oil has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties and helps heal wounds and prevent infection.
How to use :
- Add five drops of tea tree oil to the distilled water and apply the diluted oil to the affected skin after washing the area with soap to clean it of bacteria. Leave the tea tree oil on the skin for 10 minutes, then wash it off with lukewarm water. You can do this twice daily as needed.
- You can also try a new mixture of tea tree oil with one tablespoon of olive oil, then put the mixture on the affected area and massage gently for a few minutes while leaving the mixture for 10 minutes. You can repeat this treatment twice daily.
Aspirin: Aspirin helps reduce redness and inflammation, which are two of the most common symptoms of growing hair, because it has anti-inflammatory properties. Aspirin helps fight swelling and reduce infection and inflammation, and salicylic acid helps get rid of dead skin to reduce ingrown hairs.
How to use :
- Soak two aspirin tablets in a tablespoon of warm water until you get a consistent paste.
- Add the paste to the affected areas.
- Leave the paste for 10 minutes and then wash it off with warm water.
- You can repeat this once or twice a week.
Salt: Salt acts as a natural exfoliator for the skin, as it helps stimulate blood circulation, heal wounds, and reduce swelling.
How to use :
- Mix one and a half tablespoons of salt in a cup of lukewarm water.
- Dip a piece of cotton in the mixture and massage the affected areas.
- Leave the mixture for a few minutes before washing it with water.
- You can repeat this twice daily to reduce ingrown hairs.
black tea bags:
- Black tea bags help get rid of ingrown hairs. This is because black tea contains tannic acid, which reduces inflammation and redness, thus calming the skin.
- Soak black tea bags in warm water and massage the affected area for 2-3 minutes. You can repeat this process daily as needed. .
Aloe vera: Aloe vera is one of the effective home remedies for getting rid of ingrown hairs because it has a soothing effect and relieves itching and inflammation caused by ingrown hairs, and leaves the skin moist, thus providing immediate relief to ingrown hairs.
How to use :
- Extract the aloe vera gel.
- Massage the affected areas and inflamed skin with the gel and leave it to dry for half an hour.
- Wash the skin with lukewarm water.
- You can repeat this process two or three times daily.
Honey: Honey contains antibacterial properties that prevent the affected areas from getting infected. In addition, honey reduces swelling and inflammation.
How to use :
- Apply an amount of honey directly on the skin.
- Leave it in the air to dry for 10 minutes, then wash it with cold water.
- You can repeat this method three times daily as needed.
Apple cider vinegar: Apple cider vinegar has anti-inflammatory properties that help reduce inflammation and soothe the skin, in addition to killing bacteria in the skin, thus protecting against the risk of infection.
How to use :
- Using a piece of cotton, apply apple cider vinegar to the affected area.
- Leave it on the skin for a while and then wash it off with lukewarm water.
- You can repeat this treatment twice daily.
Cucumber: Cucumber has anti-inflammatory properties that have an effective effect in getting rid of the annoying symptoms of ingrown hairs. In addition, cucumber contains vitamin C, which relieves itching and pain.
How to use :
- Put fresh cucumber slices in the refrigerator for half an hour, then massage the affected areas with cucumber, and do this several times a day to get positive results.
- You can mash the cucumber with the addition of milk to make a paste and then put the mixture in the refrigerator for a few minutes. Then work by soaking a piece of cloth in the mixture and applying it to the affected places for a few minutes, then washing it with lukewarm water. You can use this remedy twice daily.
- In the case of using these home remedies and the lack of response, you should consult your doctor about the appropriate treatment for your cases and help you get rid of the ingrown hair in an effective way.