
The effects of smart devices on the brain

The effects of smart devices on the brain

The effects of smart devices on the brain


A team of Swiss researchers revealed the effects that were monitored for smart devices on the work of the brain, as it was found that the intensive use of smart devices clearly affects the work of the brain, as it reshapes some areas of the brain, and that this affects some areas in the brain responsible for the use of fingers as it affects The brain’s response to external stimuli.



And the researcher, “Arko Ghosh” (that the impact of these areas confirms the extent of the brain’s response to the daily human requirements).



The researchers seek to study the impact of the use of touch screens of smart devices on some areas of the brain, and the extent to which the performance of the human brain is affected by the frequent use of these screens, which has become a preoccupation for a large number of people now.



The researchers studied a number of right-handed users and a number of left-handed users during their use of smart phones and touch screens. EEG devices were used to monitor the extent of brain activity when the index, middle and thumb fingers touched the screen of the smart device.



The results showed the presence of strong reactions in the cerebral cortex of these people much faster than in others, as it was shown that the areas in the brain responsible for the fingers that are used on the screens of phones and smart devices were affected.

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