
The best methods and means of surgical treatment of varicose veins and the most important results

The best methods and means of surgical treatment of varicose veins and the most important results

The best methods and means of surgical treatment of varicose veins and its most important results to get rid of them permanently. The presence of spider veins or varicose veins in the legs can affect more than your appearance, as these veins can badly affect the psyche of the patient. Some varicose veins also put you at risk of complications such as a blood clot or open sores in your legs. However, there are several cosmetic treatments that can help you remove or fade leg veins, and also reduce symptoms such as pain and fatigue. Here are the best ways and means of treating varicose veins surgically, and their most important results.

Methods and means of treating varicose veins surgically



radio frequencies

Laparoscopic venous surgery


Sclerotherapy is the most common treatment of leg veins used by dermatologists to treat spider and small varicose veins. A dermatologist injects a chemical into a spider or varicose vein, which irritates the wall of the vein, and then different areas of the vein are injected. After the injection, the dermatologist may massage the area, then place a compression stocking on each leg. Sclerotherapy causes the vein walls to stick together, so blood cannot flow through it, which improves blood circulation in the treated leg and reduces swelling.

laser treatment

Doctors use a new technique in laser therapy to close small varicose and spider veins. Laser therapy works by sending powerful bursts of light into a vein, causing the vein to slowly fade and disappear. No incisions or needles are used in this treatment, which may be appropriate for a large number of women.

radio frequencies

In one of these treatments, your doctor inserts a thin tube, a catheter, into the enlarged vein and warms the tip of the catheter using radiofrequency or laser energy. When the catheter is withdrawn, heat damages the vein by causing it to collapse and close. This procedure is the most suitable treatment for large varicose veins.

Laparoscopic venous surgery

  • You may need this procedure only in advanced cases involving sores on the leg if other techniques have failed. The surgeon uses a thin video camera inserted into your leg to visualize and close the varicose veins and then removes the veins through small incisions.

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