
The best beauty drink that clears the skin and blushes the cheeks

The best beauty drink that clears the skin and blushes the cheeks

Today, we will share with you the best beauty drink that clears the skin and brightens the cheeks, so that you can get rid of skin impurities and regain its attractiveness.


To clear the skin from freckles and spots, we chose effective natural mixtures for you, and today we will present to you the best drink that helps you clear the skin and supply the cheeks.


Apple and beetroot drink


This drink offers you many benefits for the skin, and it eliminates wrinkles and signs of premature aging. It is prepared and used as follows:


Peel half an orange and cut it into small pieces, then cut half an apple and a piece of beet.Put all the ingredients in a blender and squeeze them.Drink this drink once a day after breakfast, and notice the difference in the health of your skin.Orange drink


Orange contains vitamin B12 and vitamin C for hair and skin care, and cheeks supply. It is prepared and used in the following way:


Squeeze the juice of two oranges. Add the juice of two lemons. Strain the mixture of seeds. Drink this mixture once a day. Parsley and ginger drink


Parsley contains collagen, which helps purify the skin and supply the lips. To prepare it, follow these steps:


Put parsley leaves in a cup of water, then put it on a low heat. Add two tablespoons of ground ginger to it. Strain the mixture and add a spoonful of honey to it. Drink this mixture twice a day and notice the difference. Green tea drink


Green tea contains antioxidants that help you fight dark spots and get rid of skin wrinkles and signs of premature aging.


Put a cup of water on a low heat and add a few leaves of green tea to it. Bring the mixture to a boil, then add a spoonful of ginger to it and let it boil for a few more minutes. Strain the mixture and add a spoonful of honey to it and drink it once a day.

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