The 10 fastest recipes for breast augmentation in a month

Breast augmentation is something that many women desire, and for many, the breast symbolizes beauty and increases a woman’s femininity. While some women have a large and natural breast size and want to reduce the size of their breasts. The breast is sebaceous glands and connective tissue. It causes changes in breast tissue during puberty, during the menstrual cycle, during pregnancy and after menopause


During puberty, the breast responds to hormonal changes in the body and begins to grow, and estrogen and progesterone play a major role in breast growth, and nutrition and genetics have an important role in determining the size of a woman’s breasts.


A variety of breast enlargement options are now available, ranging from creams, pills, and hormonal injections to expensive surgical options.

If you want to use natural methods, there are some natural remedies that can give you good results.


Natural recipes are effective, but they take a long time, so you have to be patient and persistent until you get the desired results. These natural remedies may not be useful for women who have small breasts due to genetic factors.


Here are the 10 fastest recipes for breast augmentation in a month


1. Exercises:

Practicing some exercises help in breast augmentation. These exercises depend on the movement of the arms and shoulders, which help to move the skin tissues and muscles that are located in the breast area. This helps to make the breasts bigger and tighter.

Do these exercises daily for at least 30 minutes. To ensure that you are performing the exercise correctly, you should seek professional advice from a sports coach or professional trainer.


2. Massage:

According to the Thai Institute of Traditional Alternative Medicine, massaging the breasts regularly can increase breast size.

Massage helps increase breast size in two ways

First: it increases blood circulation, and secondly: it helps to stretch the tissues inside the breast to make it appear larger and firmer. Natural oils such as olive oil or almond oil are used to massage the breasts.


Massage the area between the breasts for two to three minutes to generate heat.

Put your hands on the chest and massage gently, and continue to massage all over the breast in circular motions.

Repeat at least 100-300 circular massages in the morning and before going to bed.

Continue this treatment twice daily for a month or two to get positive results.


3. Fenugreek:

Herbalists believe that fenugreek can help increase breast size because it contains plant estrogen as well as stimulates hormones that increase breast size such as estrogen and progesterone. Additionally, it can help increase milk production in nursing mothers.


Mix a quarter cup of fenugreek powder with a little water to make a paste, then put the paste on the breast and massage it gently. Leave for 10 minutes and then rinse with lukewarm water. Follow this remedy twice daily for best results. To prepare fenugreek powder, fenugreek seeds are roasted and then ground.

Another option is to massage the breasts daily using fenugreek oil.

You can also add fenugreek sprouts in the diet or take fenugreek in the form of nutritional supplement pills three times daily after consulting a doctor.


4. Fennel seeds:

Fennel seeds contain a high level of flavonoids that increase the level of estrogen in the body and promote the growth of breast tissue. Additionally, nursing mothers can take fennel seeds to increase breast milk production.


Heat one tablespoon of cod liver oil with two tablespoons of fennel seeds in a bowl until the seeds turn red, then filter the oil and leave it to cool, then use this oil to gently massage the breasts for five to 10 minutes, then leave for 30 minutes, then wash with warm water. Repeat this treatment twice daily for a month or two.

You can also drink a cup of fennel tea daily. To prepare fennel tea, add one tablespoon of fennel seeds in a cup of hot water and leave for 10 minutes, then strain.


. red clover

Red clover contains four types of phytoestrogen that are believed to help increase breast size naturally. Read more about breast augmentation here


Add two tablespoons of dried red clover flowers to one cup of hot water, leave it for 30 minutes, then filter and drink two or three times a day.

Follow this remedy for a few months to get the desired result.


6. Pueraria Mirifica:

A study conducted at Chulalongkorn University in Thailand found that the pueraria plant can increase breast size by up to 80 percent, because it contains phytoestrogens that contribute to balancing hormone levels in a woman’s body, which leads to an increase in the health and size of the breasts.


Pueraria Mirifica can be found on the market in topical creams, gels, and soaps or in oral capsule or tablet form.

The recommended dose is 250 mg twice daily. For topical products, apply to the breast area twice daily for three to five minutes. These treatments should be continued for three months to achieve the desired result.


7. Wheat germ oil:

Wheat germ oil is used to enlarge the breast and make it in a more complete image, as it helps to increase blood flow to the breast to obtain proper nutrition and oxygen for the metabolism, and this increases the size of the breast.

In addition, wheat germ oil is rich in vitamin E, which helps prevent sagging breasts and retain their shape for a longer period.


Massage a few drops of wheat germ oil on the breast in circular motions for 10 minutes.

Use this remedy two or three times daily until you see improvement within a month.


8. Saw palmetto:

It is a popular herb used for breast augmentation, as it provides the breasts with phytonutrients and fatty acids that stimulate the development of breast tissue, thus improving the appearance and size of the breasts.

Saw palmetto is readily available in the market as oral capsules, tablets or tea.


Drink 2-3 cups of saw palmetto tea daily for a few months.

If supplements are taken, start with a dose of 160 mg twice daily. To determine the appropriate dose, you should consult your doctor.


9. Wild Sweet Potato:

Wild yam is recommended by doctors for breast augmentation. This herb contains phytoestrogen that helps stimulate the growth of breast tissue.


Wild yam can be taken as a tea or as capsules for breast enlargement.

You can also massage your breasts with a cream of wild yam to allow the progesterone to be absorbed through the skin. Do this twice daily for several months until an increase in breast size is observed.


10. Dandelion:

Dandelion root is an incredibly effective herb that plays a key role in the growth and development of new breast cells and tissues.


Drink dandelion root tea twice daily or take dandelion root capsules (525 mg) once daily. These treatments give the desired results within a few months.


While trying to use these natural remedies for breast enlargement, keep in mind not to use all the herbs mentioned here at the same time. Choose one herb or a mixture of two or three herbs and follow the procedures carefully for a few months. In addition, an expert must be consulted before starting to use herbs in treatment.

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