Tea bags for acne and get rid of it

If you want to have healthy and bright skin and are tired of using chemicals to get rid of acne, dark spots on your face and dry dead skin, we offer you, through the Educate Yourself site , a natural way to get rid of acne and dark spots with black tea with the illustrated steps



Steps with tea bags for acne:

1- Fill a cup of water to a third with hot water, then add twice the amount of cold water, and when the water reaches the desired temperature, put black tea bags in it


tea bags for acne

2- Leave the tea bags in the water for a few minutes until the color of the water changes to a dark brown color. Here, the required degree of saturation has been

tea bags for acne

3- Strong enough to prepare a comfortable pillow for you to place your head on, with your face up and your head flat



tea bags for acne

4- Then take the tea bags and put them on your face and squeeze them well and rub your face with them, especially the places of spots, redness, acne, dry and dead skin and anything on your skin.

tea bags for acne

5- After a minute or two, the tea bag has dried, so put it inside the cup again for a few minutes, then take it out and repeat the previous step on your face. You can repeat this step several times with other tea bags until you get the satisfactory result and keep repeating it on a daily basis until you get Clear, pure and radiant skin


We hope that we have provided a useful method for the health of Eve’s skin. We hope that you will tell us the result. Did it benefit your skin and get a satisfactory result or not

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