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June 25, 2023 admin

What Vitamins and Minerals Are Good for Hair?

Do you have a hair obsession too? Are you researching what vitamins are good for hair ?


Is your hair thin, weak and falling out?


What vitamin is nourished by the hair, which vitamin is needed for the hair to grow stronger?


What vitamins are good for hair?


You want to use vitamins against hair loss; but you’re confused, aren’t you? See, which vitamin comes first for your hair?


Zinc: One of the most important minerals for hair is zinc. In zinc deficiency, your hair falls out. Zinc balances oil production in the hair.


It is abundant in liver, chicken meat, fish, milk and almonds. Don’t forget to add the pumpkin seeds.


However, it is very difficult to get zinc from food. Therefore, you should use it in tablet form. Do not neglect to use zinc tablets of a herbal brand.


Zinc nourishes not only the hair, but also your nails and skin; It is a cell regenerator.


Vitamin E: While we are talking about which vitamins are good for hair loss, let’s not forget the cell-renewing vitamin E.


It is found in nuts, olive oil, green leafy vegetables and red meat.


Just consuming vitamin E is not enough. It must be driven from the outside as well. You can also add it to your shampoo. We talked about what adds to the shampoo before in our post.


Vitamin A: Provides the development and lengthening of hair strands.


In red colored fruits and vegetables; in lettuce and spinach; It is also abundant in liver and fish.


Folic acid: Folic acid is vitamin B9.


Makes hair look lively and vibrant.


It is abundant in raw spinach. Folic acid is present in cabbage, broccoli, nuts and liver, apart from spinach.

Vitamin B4: Vitamin B4 is very important for the hair follicles, that is, the structure formed by the cells at the base of the hair.


It is also found in cabbage, meat, tomatoes, egg yolks and potatoes.


Vitamin B5: Helps to grow and strengthen hair.


Available in avocado, cauliflower, broccoli and peanuts.


Vitamin B6: It is a wonderful vitamin that revitalizes the hair.


It is found in bananas, potatoes, nuts, meat, fish, cabbage and spinach.


Selenium: If you have dandruff in your hair, here is your mineral. It prevents dandruff and revitalizes the scalp.


It is found in chocolate, meat, tomatoes, tuna and eggs.


Iron: If your hair is thinning and falling out, first think of iron deficiency. Because iron nourishes the hair follicles.


It is abundant in walnuts, meat, egg yolk and liver.


How to use vitamin ampoules that are good for hair?


Vitamins and minerals that are good for hair can also be used in ampoules.


You can buy vitamin B and E ampoules from the pharmacy and add them to your shampoo. Or you can apply it directly to your scalp.


It is also sold in the form of vitamin pills that are good for hair. You can pierce them with a pin and use them however you want.


Hair-beneficial vitamins, it’s not that complicated, is it? 🙂


We have listed the best vitamins for hair.




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June 4, 2023 admin

The main sources of vitamin D

Vitamin D



Vitamins are elements that the body needs for normal growth and development, as vitamin D helps the body absorb calcium, which is the main material for building and forming bones, a deficiency in it may lead to bone diseases such as osteoporosis and rickets, and vitamin D plays a role in the nervous system And in the muscles and in the immune system, where vitamin D can be obtained through three ways, either through the skin, from the diet, or from supplements, as the body can manufacture vitamin D naturally after the body is exposed to sunlight, but excessive exposure to sunlight may lead to Skin aging and skin cancer, and in this article, we will talk about the most prominent sources of vitamin D.






The main sources of vitamin D






Vitamin D is the only element that the body produces when exposed to sunlight. More than 50% of the world’s population may not be exposed to enough sunlight and 40% of the American population suffers from a deficiency in vitamin D, because most people spend most of their time outdoors. The house and wear sunscreen when they go out, and the diet is also low in sources high in vitamin D, and sources rich in vitamin D:




Salmon. herring. Cod liver oil. swordfish. Raw mushrooms. Raw shiitake mushrooms. canned tuna yolk. Fortified cow’s milk. Fortified orange juice. Fortified breakfast cereal. The nutritional value of vitamin D sources The daily requirement for vitamin D is 800 international units, and this need can be met when taking the most prominent sources of vitamin D, and for people who are not exposed to enough sunlight, they should take approximately 1000 international units

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May 9, 2023 admin

How can hair loss be treated?

Hair is an important aesthetic element in the outward appearance of all people. Keeping it healthy and strong depends on various factors such as age, genetics or nutrition. What is the ideal way to protect hair from falling out?


Hair loss is a common problem, with nearly 80 percent of men and half of women experiencing hair loss during their lifetime. Studies have shown that hair, like the rest of the body, needs many vitamins and nutrients in order to grow in good health and appear healthy and vibrant.


And when we cannot obtain the important components of hair in food daily, or the body’s consumption is much greater than the needs in certain cases, it is better to turn to nutritional supplements.


Hair loss can occur for many reasons, including genetics, aging, autoimmune diseases, hormonal changes, and stress. Also, some common types of hair loss include androgenetic alopecia, alopecia areata, and telogen effluvium caused by exposure to a traumatic event, great stress and stress, or the use of certain medications. According to what was published by the American (Medical News Today) website.


Healthy food for healthy hair


The body needs a lot of energy to make hair grow healthy and strong. Thus, not eating a balanced diet affects hair growth and its nature. For this reason, it is better to get vitamins and nutrients and follow a healthy diet that includes the vitamins and proteins needed for hair growth, such as eggs, fatty fish, prawns, various types of berries, avocados, citrus fruits, and others.

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