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June 3, 2023 admin

Honey exfoliating mask

It is known that honey has a great effect on lightening and beautifying the skin, but today in our magazine we present to you, Madam, a different mask, which is honey, but for exfoliation, see the details and share your opinion with us…


the components :-


a spoonful of honey


Two tablespoons of finely ground almonds


Half a tablespoon of lemon







Mix a tablespoon of honey with two tablespoons of finely ground almonds and half a tablespoon of lemon, then rub the mixture on the face for two minutes in a circular motion. Then rinse the face with warm water.


note :-


It is used once a week. If your skin is very sensitive, use half the amount of lemon juice

May 9, 2023 admin

How can hair loss be treated?

Hair is an important aesthetic element in the outward appearance of all people. Keeping it healthy and strong depends on various factors such as age, genetics or nutrition. What is the ideal way to protect hair from falling out?


Hair loss is a common problem, with nearly 80 percent of men and half of women experiencing hair loss during their lifetime. Studies have shown that hair, like the rest of the body, needs many vitamins and nutrients in order to grow in good health and appear healthy and vibrant.


And when we cannot obtain the important components of hair in food daily, or the body’s consumption is much greater than the needs in certain cases, it is better to turn to nutritional supplements.


Hair loss can occur for many reasons, including genetics, aging, autoimmune diseases, hormonal changes, and stress. Also, some common types of hair loss include androgenetic alopecia, alopecia areata, and telogen effluvium caused by exposure to a traumatic event, great stress and stress, or the use of certain medications. According to what was published by the American (Medical News Today) website.


Healthy food for healthy hair


The body needs a lot of energy to make hair grow healthy and strong. Thus, not eating a balanced diet affects hair growth and its nature. For this reason, it is better to get vitamins and nutrients and follow a healthy diet that includes the vitamins and proteins needed for hair growth, such as eggs, fatty fish, prawns, various types of berries, avocados, citrus fruits, and others.

May 3, 2023 admin

A magic recipe for the treatment of cracked feet and skin removal

The problem of cracked feet is one of the difficult skin problems that the soles of the feet are exposed to, and it is sometimes painful if the skin is severely dry, and when the cracks reach the depth of the skin, many women may resort to following natural recipes to treat cracked feet. All the following recipes are considered safe and effective to get rid of the problem Dry skin is the first cause of cracks in the soles of the feet, and through the following we explain the best natural formula that contributes to the treatment of cracked feet quickly.


A magical recipe for cracked feet


Among the natural recipes for the treatment of cracked feet are a group of recipes that exfoliate the skin in that area to completely get rid of the presence of cracks. Among the most prominent natural mixtures are the following:


Vaseline recipe to treat cracked feet

A tablespoon of Vaseline. A spoonful of flour. A spoonful of olive oil. drops of lemon juice.


Steps for preparation and use


You can use a suitable bowl and put Vaseline in it and mix it with the rest of the ingredients until we get a formula with a soft creamy texture. It is easy to apply the mixture on a daily basis by gently massaging the cracks with this mixture to get rid of it. You must continue to apply this formula on a daily basis for the result to be effective. Pumice stone recipe to remove cracks on the feet


The pumice stone is considered one of the best natural means and materials that help you quickly get rid of the crusts on the soles of the feet that cause the appearance of superficial cracks on the soles of the feet, and it is possible to spread the skin with it after soaking it in a solution consisting of the following ingredients:


the components


A quarter cup of salt. Warm water. 2 tablespoons of glycerin. A spoonful of olive oil.


Usage steps


A spacious bowl is brought, and we put all the ingredients in it, then mix them, and the feet are soaked for about a quarter of an hour in this moisturizing solution for the skin. After that, the feet are washed with lukewarm water. The feet are rubbed with a stone, and you will find that the crusts are easy to get rid of and the cracks disappear. Then the feet are moisturized after that using a little olive oil component. You can also follow this method once every 3 days, and this is what appears on the feet without any cracking .

May 1, 2023 admin

Easy home recipes to get rid of yellow nails

Have you started to notice that your nails are losing their natural color and luster and have become yellow? This is due to the bad habits that you practice that negatively affect your nails.

These habits include applying nail polish for more than a week, painting your nails in a dark color directly without using a layer of transparent polish first to protect the nails from dyeing, applying nail polish at all times without allocating a few days a week to rest the nails, and finally using nail polish remover that contains a substance Continuously harmful acetone.

If you suffer from yellow nails, treat this problem with these two easy recipes:>Use denture disinfectant tablets and dissolve them in a bowl of water, then soak your nails in the bowl for several minutes on a daily basis until you get rid of the yellow color completely.

Put a little juice Lemon concentrate on a cotton ball and rub it on the nails and the surrounding skin. This method removes pigment colors on your nails and maintains the health of your nails.
