Exercises You Can Do While Pregnant

Note: This article has been written for general information purposes and does not constitute expert advice. We recommend that you consult your obstetrician for the healthiest information about pregnancy.




Maintaining a regular exercise routine throughout your pregnancy will help you both stay healthy and cope with the physical changes that come with pregnancy. Regular exercise is very effective in reducing discomfort during pregnancy and accelerating the postpartum recovery process. Unless you’re experiencing complications that prevent you from exercising, you can do at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise most days, if not all, of the week.




Benefits of Regular Exercise During Pregnancy


It reduces stress and increases your energy.It reduces your back and waist pain and swelling in the body.It improves your sleep quality.It reduces the complaints of depression and anxiety by increasing the level of serotonin.It prevents excessive weight gain.Supports muscle strength and endurance.It reduces the risk of pregnancy complications such as gestational diabetes and preeclampsia.Prepares for birth, helps to reduce the risk of premature and cesarean delivery.It increases the rate of postpartum recovery.


What Exercises Can You Do During Pregnancy?


Exercising during pregnancy is mostly safe. But before you start exercising regularly, you should get your obstetrician’s approval. Exercises that women who have a healthy pregnancy can do include:






Light walking is a great option for pregnant women who are new to exercise and want to improve their fitness. It also has a positive effect on the development of the baby in terms of accelerating blood flow and increasing the oxygen level in the blood. 30-minute walks 3 or 4 days a week are ideal. During the walk, care should be taken not to sweat excessively and to breathe through the nose and out through the mouth regularly.






Swimming and water exercises are a safe option in terms of supporting your increased body weight and working your joints and muscles. In addition, swimming helps to reduce complaints such as back and lower back pain. Balances weight gain. Be careful not to push yourself too hard while swimming. 30 minutes of swimming time per day is ideal. Another thing to consider is that the pool is not over-chlorinated and hygienic.




Yoga and Pilates


Prenatal yoga and pilates classes designed for pregnant women are exercises that you can continue until birth, while benefiting your whole body. These exercises make it easier to adapt to physical changes during pregnancy and improve breathing control. Both exercises help increase body flexibility and endurance, strengthen muscles and facilitate childbirth. It allows you to relax both mentally and physically.


Indoor Cycle


Cycling and low-dose aerobic exercises are also considered safe for pregnant women by experts. The stationary bike is a much safer option for pregnant women, reducing the risk of falling. It helps you stay in shape and strengthen your leg muscles. Low-dose aerobic exercises will help you control your weight gain and support your cardiovascular health.




Kegel Exercises


Kegel exercises, also known as pelvic floor exercises, provide strengthening by tightening and loosening the muscles that support the uterus, bladder and intestines. Thus, thanks to these exercises during pregnancy, birth becomes easier. It also helps you prevent health problems such as postpartum urinary incontinence and hemorrhoids. You can do this exercise by squeezing the pelvic floor muscles for 3-10 seconds and then relaxing them, 3 times a day for 10 repetitions in each session.




It is very important to warm up and cool down after all the exercises you will do during pregnancy. Avoid doing strenuous exercises that make you gasp while talking. Make sure to drink plenty of water and fluids.




Avoid These Exercises During Pregnancy!


Exercises with a risk of falling, such as horse riding, cyclingContact sports such as football, basketball and volleyballExercises that require jumping, jumping, jumping or runningExercises that require you to lift heavyExercises that require you to lie on your back after the first trimesterSports such as skydiving, surfing and scuba divingExercising at high altitudeexercising in hot weather




When should you stop exercising?


Listening to your body is as important as exercising regularly during pregnancy, both for your own health and for the health of your baby. If you have any of the following symptoms, you should stop exercising and contact your obstetrician.

Vaginal bleeding or leakage of fluid from the vaginaRegular, painful uterine contractionsshortness of breath, chest painfast or irregular heartbeatHeadacheDizziness or feeling faintmuscle weaknessCalf pain or swelling

How do you make your pregnancy healthy


Pregnancy is a difficult stage for women, both physically and psychologically, and you have to take care of yourself before and during pregnancy  in order to have a problem-free pregnancy and enjoy good health 


1- Go to the doctor as soon as you find out that you are pregnant:

As soon as you find out that you are pregnant, you should go to a specialized doctor so that he can conduct the necessary tests for you and give you the necessary medication.

2- Eat well:

When you are pregnant, you need to be well nourished, so follow these tips:

  •  Eat vegetables and fruits at least five times a day.
  • You have to eat a lot of carbohydrates such as rice and pasta as the main portion of your meal.
  • Take care to eat foods containing protein , such as fish, lean meats , eggs nuts or grains , and some milk and dairy products. You should   eat two servings of fish per week .

3- Take nutritional supplements:

Pregnancy vitamin supplementation is not a substitute for a balanced diet . But it can help if you are not able to eat a lot of food.

  • You should take folic acid, especially in the first three months, to avoid any malformation in the fetus.
  • Vitamin D is important for your child’s health, especially for future bone  formation .
  • If you are on a low income , you may be able to obtain pregnancy vitamin supplements for free through government health offices.
  • If you don’t eat fish , fish oil supplements may be helpful, just consult your doctor before taking them.

4- Be careful of food hygiene:

Contaminated foods may cause some viruses and microbes that may affect the safety of your pregnancy, especially Listeria infection . Foods that contain this infection include:

  • Ready-made steaks  of any kind
  • unpasteurized milk
  • Undercooked  ready meals
  • Blue cheese like Roquefort.

Listeria bacteria are destroyed by heat , so make sure you reheat prepared meals well.

5- Exercising regularly:
Regular exercise has many benefits for mothers. It buildsup your strength and endurance,helpsyou deal better with extra pregnancy weight and makes it
easier to return to your pre-pregnancy weight.
You can practice many sports such as brisk walking, swimming and yoga
If you find yourself tired from sports or afraid of falling, you can stop it immediately.


6. Pelvic floor exercises:

The pelvic floor is surrounded by some muscles that contribute to easy childbirth and also help you bear the pain caused by the weight of the abdomen due to the camel and the pressure on the pelvis.

7. Cut back on caffeine.

There are concerns that too much caffeine may increase the risk of miscarriage ,  and it is believed that too much caffeine may contribute to the risk of a low birth weight baby .

You should reduce or cut out caffeine, especially in the first three months of pregnancy.



9- Stop smoking :

Smoking uring pregnancy can cause serious health problems for you and your baby .

10. Get some rest

You will feel very tired during pregnancy, but you should try to take enough rest and sleep and if you cannot sleep, you should rest and relax, even for 30 minutes, whenever you feel tired

Vaginal changes during pregnancy do not worry about them

During pregnancy, a group of changes that occur to the body may permeate. These changes continue throughout the body, including changes in the vagina during pregnancy, especially in the early stage. This is very common. In fact, after two weeks of pregnancy you may notice changes in your vagina such as your cervix becoming purple in color or experiencing any itching, bleeding or a strong smelling discharge. You should be aware of a set of changes that will help you to avoid any trauma during the next nine months, especially when it comes to changes in the vagina during pregnancy.

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There are a number of changes that occur to the vagina during pregnancy that it is necessary to be aware of to consult a doctor in case of any problem or symptoms of diseases that affect pregnancy.

Vaginal changes during pregnancy

1. The color of the vagina turns blue:

The color of the vagina is usually pink. But during pregnancy, the color of the vagina can turn blue. This change can appear after 6 weeks of pregnancy. And the color of the cervix begins to take a purple or blue color, due to the increased blood flow. According to Brett Worley, MD, Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center.

 2. There may be blood:

You may discover this change during the first three months, which is the presence of blood in the vagina. More than 50% of women suffer from spotting or bleeding in the vagina during pregnancy. But you need to consult a doctor about this even if the bleeding stops. Mary Russo, MD, in the Bronx, New York, states that the most common and most effective way is to find out if there is any concern. There is usually little blood as a result of implantation in the uterus and the formation of the placenta. However, in some cases, it can indicate something else, such as a yeast infection, especially if this bleeding is accompanied by pain and cramps. You need to call your doctor and consult your medical provider.

3. You may notice varicose veins:

Surprisingly, the legs are not the only place on the body prone to varicose veins and prone to swelling. Yes, pregnant women can suffer from purple varicose veins due to the increased blood flow and the enlargement of the uterus, which puts pressure on the veins in the pelvis. There are about 10% of women whose pregnancy hormones lead to the presence of varicose veins during the first five months of the second pregnancy, and it increases with the increase in the number of pregnancies.. According to specialists, it is like normal varicose veins. But the good news to you here is that this problem can disappear within six weeks of birth. You can try to relieve these annoying symptoms through warm baths, sleeping on the left side, raising the feet whenever possible, raising the feet and avoiding sitting or standing for long periods.

4. Feel your vagina swollen:

When the amount of blood flowing into the vagina increases, you may feel that the vagina is swollen and grossly open. For many women, the condition of providing larger amounts of blood increases this feeling.

5. You feel wind coming out of your vagina.

Many medical literature mentions that one of the changes in the vagina during pregnancy is the feeling of gas coming out of the vagina and it does not indicate anything bad. This feeling increases with the increase in pressure on the abdomen, the various positions of intimacy, excessive pelvic contractions, and exercise.

6. Increased vaginal itching:

Pregnancy hormones can cause an overgrowth of naturally occurring bacteria in the vagina and the fungi that lead to bacterial vaginosis or yeast infection, both of which lead to itching. It is common for these infections to occur during pregnancy and you find white or yellow discharge from the vagina. It is very natural to notice an increase in mucous secretions in the vagina, which completely changes its smell. Dr. Bolt states that these changes continue throughout pregnancy are thick and sticky and at first become thin and watery.

7. Vaginal odor changes:

Bolt adds that the pH of the vagina changes during pregnancy, and can cause slight changes in vaginal odor, making it less acidic. Some pregnant women are more sensitive to the smell, but it is often accompanied by itching and irritation in the vagina and finds a change in the taste of the vagina and a change in the pH. According to Postpartum Magazine, the taste of the vagina tends to be metallic or salty and, interestingly, the flavor usually changes and disappears with orgasm.

8. Taste different:

This change occurs over time due to the change in the acidity balance of the vagina, which not only affects the smell of the vagina, but also the taste. As we mentioned above, the taste of the vaginal secretions becomes slightly salty and metallic.

9. Increased secretions:

Vaginal secretions continue until delivery. This is due to the presence of an abundance of hormones that stimulate the production of secretions. Although it is annoying, it is white secretions and has a thickness like milk. These vaginal secretions help balance healthy bacteria.

10. Seeing more ingrown hairs

According to the American Pregnancy Association, many women suffer from ingrown hairs during pregnancy due to the increased secretion of estrogen. Which makes hair grow at a faster rate. In fact, the body produces more sweat during pregnancy, which means that the pores are clogged more than usual.

Tips to maintain a healthy vagina:

 Choosing the right underwear:

It is preferable to wear cotton underwear, especially during the hot summer, and work to change underwear often during the day. Make sure to avoid wearing tight clothes because they limit the entry of air and exacerbate the condition.

body hydration:

In general, eating more water helps you get rid of toxins and parasites in the body, as water acts as a natural tonic and detoxifier, thus protecting it from various diseases.

Not washing the vagina too much:

When washing the vagina with harsh chemicals, it can strip the vagina of moisture and essential bacteria that help maintain the acidity balance in the vagina and thus make the vagina vulnerable to the growth of bacteria, infections and various diseases easily.

 Avoid perfumes.

This is because deodorants and perfumes can destroy the natural environment of the vagina and they can irritate the vagina and increase itching and redness of the vagina.

Attention to personal hygiene:

It is very important to take care of personal hygiene, especially in the summer and hot weather. Make sure the sensitive area is kept as dry as possible and avoid going out in the sun for long periods. It is also preferable to use warm water to get rid of sweat and dirt

When will the pregnancy install blood come out

When does pregnancy fixation blood come out? A woman waits for the moment when she knows that she is pregnant, but soon the stressful symptoms of pregnancy begin to happen to her, and these symptoms are psychologically and physically stressful.

Why is there bleeding from a pregnant woman?

Usually the symptoms of pregnancy are very similar to the symptoms of the menstrual cycle of women to a large extent, and it is difficult to differentiate between them except by means of well-known medical tests.

The blood usually comes out at the beginning of pregnancy, and it does not mean abortion and there is no need to worry about it, as it is the result of the implantation of the fertilized egg in the uterine wall and it is called nesting blood or implantation bleeding and it is completely safe and there is no need to worry about it.

blood signs of fixation

The menstrual cycle and pregnancy share the bleeding, but the nature of each of them differs from the other in that the amount of stabilization blood differs from the blood of the menstrual cycle, where the stabilization blood is only a few drops, and the period blood is about two liters of blood.

The amount of menstrual blood is large on the first and second days of the cycle, but pregnancy blood does not increase and remains little as it is until it disappears.

Contractions and pain

During the menstrual cycle, the pain is very severe, and many women resort to painkillers to get rid of it.

As for the pain of pregnancy, it is much less than the pain of the menstrual cycle and this could be due to the small amount of blood that comes out of the uterus.

Pregnancy blood color

The color is very light red or pink, while the menstrual blood is dark red, which is known in women.

Does pregnancy blood come off at the time of the menstrual cycle?

Pregnancy blood often occurs early in the implantation of the egg and is the early sign in the absence of the rest of the other signs, but if the bleeding occurs after a month has passed, then it is menstrual blood and not pregnancy blood.

When will the pregnancy install blood come out?

Pregnancy blood comes down after the fertilization process is completely completed, and it is usually ten to fourteen days after fertilization and is the result of the implantation of the egg in the wall of the uterus and part of the blood leaks through the vagina.

Is pregnancy blood accompanied by pain?

Yes, pregnancy blood is accompanied by some pain in the abdomen, but it gradually increases until this pain disappears with the passage of the first months of pregnancy.

Other causes of bleeding during pregnancy as described on the website of the Pregnant womens changes that occur to pregnant women
Abortion A woman
may experience abortion in the first months of pregnancy because the risk of miscarriage increases during the first months of pregnancy.
Practicing intimate relationship between spouses
The doctor may prevent the practice of sexual intercourse between spouses, if there is a danger to the development of the fetus inside the womb.
The presence of changes in the cervix
due to the hormonal changes that occur within the body of a woman during pregnancy.
The presence of an ectopic pregnancy,
but in this case the pain is very strong and the blood is very severe.
The placenta
may cause bleeding for the pregnant woman if it falls. The importance of the placenta is that it works to transfer the necessary nutrients and materials from the mother to the fetus while regulating the hormones of the child.
Physical stress of the body may
cause a woman to bleed if she is exposed to stress such as excessive movement or carrying some heavy things.
Infections, which
cause severe bleeding for women. Women suffer from infections in the vagina and are strong.
Deer pregnancy
does not happen to all women, but only some, and it is due to menstrual bleeding on time throughout pregnancy.
This amount is sufficient for us to talk about the date of the stabilization blood, and the woman must know the difference between it and the blood of the menstrual cycle so that the distinction is made between