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September 6, 2023 admin

The strangest causes of heart disease

Heart disease has recently become the first cause of death in many countries of the world and the Arab world, so heart disease has been classified as one of the most dangerous diseases that affect humans due to the serious complications it causes, the most dangerous of which is sudden death.



The causes that lead to heart disease are many and varied. Either a person may develop heart disease as a result of other diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure and cholesterol, or other factors and causes may cause him to develop the disease. The causes of heart disease are known to most people, but There are other factors that lead to heart disease that may be surprising to know because most do not know them.



1 – Lack of movement:


Everyone knows that lack of movement is wrong if you want to get fit or have a graceful body, but did you know that lack of movement in the long term causes heart disease?






With the development of life in recent times, everyone has become dependent on cars, even for simple trips, and there are many jobs that have become dependent on sitting for long periods without making any physical effort, which in the long run causes heart disease, such as increased fat on the heart and hardening of the arteries. The solution is to try to make a physical effort, even if simple, on a daily basis, to increase the activity of the heart.

Sleep disorders:


Scientific studies have shown that people who suffer from sleep disorders and do not sleep enough are more likely to develop heart disease, specifically heart attacks. On the health of the heart, and the solution is to sleep regularly and try to relax without thinking about the responsibilities and obligations that keep the mind alert all the time.



3 – Psychological stress:


People who suffer from constant stress and acute psychological stress fall prey to heart disease, as continuous psychological stress leads to high blood pressure, which results in heart disease, and people who experience many emotions and suffer from anxiety and tension put themselves at risk of heart attacks. , sudden death, and the solution recommended by cardiologists is to avoid stress and stay away from it as much as possible.



4- Health of the gums and teeth:


Cardiologists have recently discovered that diseases of the gums and teeth affect the heart greatly, as people with gum and teeth diseases not only stop bacteria and microbes in the mouth, but also spread throughout the body until they reach the heart through the blood. These microbes infect the heart with serious diseases, such as these microbes and bacteria reaching the heart valves and arteries, and they have serious complications, so dental hygiene has become an indispensable necessity not only for dental health, but even for heart health as well.

5 – Vitamin D deficiency: Doctors say that people who suffer from a deficiency in vitamin D are more likely to develop heart diseases than others, as a lack of vitamin D may result in serious heart attacks, and to increase vitamin D, the patient must consult a specialist doctor, to determine what He needs it.



6 – Continuous stress: People who suffer from constant stress in their work expose themselves to heart attacks and strokes, as physical and mental stress has a negative effect on heart health, and the solution recommended by doctors is to try to create a good psychological state from time to time to avoid stress as much as possible. As much as possible, and this comes by avoiding stress for a while, even if it is simple. The important thing is that there is a break between stress.

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June 10, 2023 admin

Foods to Quit Smoking

The difficulty of quitting smoking is evident as much as it is a harmful habit… Cigarette addicts try every way to quit smoking and still fail. Because even if the harms of smoking are known, it is not easy to give up this habit that affects the whole life .


Especially stressful lifestyle, going through a tiring period, high alcohol or coffee consumption make it more difficult to quit smoking. However, cigarettes produced using tobacco leaves containing nicotine and different compounds release more than 40 dangerous chemicals known to cause cancer as well as many diseases. Every time a cigarette is smoked, toxic gases pass into the lungs and then into the bloodstream, spreading to every organ in the body.


In addition to having many harmful effects, smoking also has a negative effect on the sense of taste. Even after smoking cessation, the sense of taste never returns one hundred percent, even if the taste buds are renewed. On the other hand, while smoking affects the taste buds and sense of smell, it suppresses the appetite center of the brain and negatively affects the appetite.


During the smoking cessation period, which is known to be directly related to the way of eating and drinking, high-caffeinated foods and beverages, alcohol and red meat consumption make the process more difficult. But of course, there are foods that can reverse this situation. Here are the foods that will help you balance the body after quitting smoking…




Ginger, which helps to remove toxins from the respiratory system, is also one of the foods with anti-inflammatory properties. Ginger, which studies have shown to be effective on lung cancer, is also rich in vitamins and minerals, especially potassium, magnesium, beta-carotene. Adding a few pieces of ginger to your meals will make it much easier to quit smoking.




The golden spice turmeric, which is good for many ailments, also has anti-inflammatory properties just like ginger. With this feature, it helps to prevent damage to the lungs while cleaning the toxins that cigarette puts into the body.




Do you know how beneficial an apple consumed every day is for your health? Apple, which contains various flavonoids, vitamins and antioxidants, is one of the best fruits for lung diseases. Apple, which also contains vitamin C, plays an important role in quitting smoking.




Garlic, which is known to have very strong antibiotic effects, also prevents respiratory tract infections that block the lungs. Thanks to allicin in its content, it supports the opening of the respiratory tract, while also helping to reduce inflammation and reduce the risk of lung cancer.


Green tea


The star of diets, green tea, which has entered our lives rapidly in recent years, is one of the most effective drinks in improving cardiovascular health. Green tea, which is rich in antioxidants, not only protects the body against various cancers, but also has a cleansing effect on the lungs. At the same time, the antimicrobial plants in green tea also play a role in loosening mucus from the inside of the lungs.



Cruciferous vegetables, which contain high levels of chlorophyll, are one of the vegetables that have a detox effect. When consumed regularly, it plays a role in filtering the blood and removing toxins from the body.

C vitamin

Continuous smoking greatly inhibits the absorption of certain nutrients, such as the mineral calcium and vitamins C and D. Even smoking a single cigarette causes 25 mg of vitamin C to be removed from the body. For this reason, during the smoking cessation period, it is necessary to consume foods containing plenty of vitamin C in order to ensure the balance of the body and to replenish the depleted vitamin and mineral stores. Consuming foods such as oranges, lemons and peppers regularly can also reduce the desire to smoke.

Whole Grains

Vitamin E, which is abundant in foods in whole grains, supports lung health and significantly reduces the rate of nicotine in the blood. As the level of nicotine in the blood decreases, the desire to smoke again decreases. Whole grain products added to the daily diet greatly reduce the likelihood of relapse.

Milk and milk products

Consuming milk, dairy products and probiotic yogurt regularly reduces the stress hormone in the body and, accordingly, the desire to smoke. In addition, consuming these foods is very important for lung health



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May 1, 2023 admin

Charcoal juice, a new discovery for weight loss

It is natural for every woman to want a graceful body and a wonderful look, so she strives to maintain a stable and healthy weight, but it is very difficult for many who suffer from obesity or overweight and are trying to lose weight through the use of medications, creams and various diets. It is her duty to eliminate the extra kilograms so that the woman feels She has a beautiful and healthy body. Several drugs have been launched on the market today, such as creams and pills that suppress appetite and dissolve excess fat in the body to help people lose weight faster, but on the other hand, these drugs may not be of any benefit at times and the weight remains the same. Today, a new product has been launched in the market, and we will introduce you to it. it through the women’s magazine




> Lose weight with charcoal juice:

Charcoal juice is one of the most popular products in the market today, as it has proven effective in losing weight quickly

> This is an incentive to reach the ideal weight. The system of this juice follows the detox systems that get rid of toxins in the body

>It is an appetite suppressant and has other advantages because it is made of charcoal, so it helps your skin to maintain its freshness.

> There is also charcoal juice with lemon, which is one of the best purifying juices. Charcoal consists of burnt organic materials and walnut shell juice.

> India, which provides the body with a negative electrical charge that allows the removal of toxins from the body.>

> From any health problems to avoid any effects of charcoal juice on your health.

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