Magical masks for clear, grain-free skin in 3 minutes

Pimples and acne are an annoying problem for everyone who suffers from them, but do not worry, we in th Woman Magazine found for you the best masks and tips that eliminate this problem in 3 minutes, and now follow them with us and share your opinion with us..


Garlic contains a sulfur substance that helps you get rid of the germs inside the grains, so eat three grains of garlic and swallow them as if you were taking drugs so that they do not affect the smell of your mouth.


Drinking lemon juice mixed with water helps you get rid of pimples, as lemon contains antioxidants that help you keep the skin fresh without pimples. Eat five cups of it to get rid of your skin impurities.


Mix turmeric powder with sandalwood powder with rose water until you get a blended mixture. Apply it on your face for half an hour, then wash it with cold water. Turmeric powder acts as an astringent, while sandalwood powder helps reduce pimples.





Peach juice is a great treatment for pimples. Put some drops of peach juice on the pimples for ten minutes, then wash your face with cold water.


Aloe vera is a magic solution for pimples. Get a leaf from the aloe vera plant, remove the gel inside the leaf, and put it on your face until it dries, then remove it with water.

Green tea mask for silky skin

We also know that green tea is very beneficial for health, but did you know that green tea is also beneficial for the skin, as it helps to clear the skin of impurities and works to soften the skin, so that it becomes like the skin of children, clear, smooth and free of problems. Now follow the recipe with us, try it and tell us the results.. Ingredients:


Green tea powder


_ Drops of aloe vera gel (aloe vera pulp) and can be replaced with drops of water.







Mix green tea powder with a few drops of water or aloe vera until we have a spreadable dough.


Apply the mask on your face for 20 minutes, then wash your face with lukewarm water.


After washing it with lukewarm water, apply a moisturizing cream to your skin.


Advice: For better results, use this mask 2-3 times a week, and the results will amaze you.


May you all be beautiful…

7 Secrets of Healthy Skin

The best outfit is healthy skin. We have hundreds of clothes that we have all our lives, but only one skin. I think even that is enough to appreciate its value.”
Good skin requires care and stability. In fact, almost everything you do for the skin is good for our general health. Because the skin is the mirror of body health. But in a healthy body, we can expect glowing skin.
1- Sun protection
One of the biggest causes of skin aging is exposure to UV rays. In order to see this more clearly, you can examine the difference between the closed areas of the skin and the areas that are constantly exposed to the sun, you will see that the skin quality is better in the closed areas. The habit of sun protection effective against UVA and UVB in summer and winter should start from childhood and should be continued throughout life.
With the effect of sun rays;
-Lines and wrinkles on the skin
Benign and malignant skin formations
-Skin sagging and loss of elasticity are seen.
2- Eating healthy and drinking enough water
The importance of nutrition is a fact known to all of us. For our skin to be healthier;
-We should eat a diet rich in fresh fruits and vegetables and get enough protein.
We should stay away from foods with a high glycemic index such as flour and sugar.
-We should consume foods rich in vitamins A, C and E and containing antioxidants.
-We should maintain the ideal weight and not gain or lose weight too quickly.
– We should not consume too much alcohol and drink plenty of water.
3- Smoke-free life
Smoking contains a large number of toxins, they reach the skin through the bloodstream and damage the skin. It causes sagging, dryness and line formations on the skin. Thus, the skin ages prematurely.
4- Regular sleep
8 hours of sleep per day is beneficial for both hormones and self-repair of skin cells. A good night cream that we will use during this period will support the skin in this regard. It is important to have regular sleep hours as well as sleep time.
In addition, sleeping on the same side or face down all the time causes wrinkles on the skin. Sleeping on your back and using silk pillowcases will be more beneficial for the skin.
5- Stress control
If you have a stressful life, develop ways to manage stress. In case of stress, there are changes in the levels of many hormones, especially the hormone cortisol. As a result, the nutrition of the skin deteriorates and the aging process accelerates.
Whatever your lifestyle, take time for yourself. Reduce your stress with things that are good for you, such as breathing exercises, yoga, meditation, nature walks, and hobbies. Smile a lot and increase your happiness hormones.
6- Regular exercise
A regular exercise program of 60 minutes 4 days a week will not only reduce stress, but also ensure that the tissues are better nourished and young by regulating blood circulation. You will notice your skin glowing after exercise.


7- Correct skin care
Skin care starts with getting to know the skin. The characteristics of your skin determine its needs. Wrong product use and improper care practices cause skin problems. Taking care of oily skin and sensitive skin is completely different. In addition, age, seasonal changes, environmental factors, hormones, stress can change the characteristics and needs of your skin. Therefore, having oily skin at the age of 18 does not mean that you will have oily skin for life. Therefore, it is necessary to be careful about these changes and to keep up with them.

Skin diet to ensure the freshness and health of your skin

Have you ever heard of skin diet? The skin needs vitamins that promote the purity and health of the skin, and these vitamins include vitamin A , vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin E, vitamin K and B vitamins , and our diet must include foods rich in these vitamins to ensure that the skin gets what it needs from Nutrients and thus enjoy clear and problem-free skin. In this article, we will explain to you the most important vitamins and their nutritional sources necessary for the skin to include in your daily diet.

Skin diet:

This is a group of the most important vitamins and elements that the skin needs in order to look more youthful, fresh, healthy and vibrant.

1Skin diet and vitamin A:

Vitamin A contains retinol, which promotes the production and growth of new skin cells, and vitamin A is full of antioxidants such as beta-carotene that can fight free radicals that break down collagen, leading to early signs of aging on the skin, and vitamin A Provides protection for the skin from the harmful rays of the sun.

Foods rich in vitamin A:

  • Tomatoes: Red tomatoes are an excellent source of vitamin A and can be widely used in everyday cooking.
  • Carrots: One cup of carrots provides about 334 percent of your daily vitamin A needs, so add it to your daily diet.
  • Spinach: Leafy green vegetables like spinach are packed with vitamin A, so include leafy greens in your diet to get your recommended daily intake of vitamin A.
  • Red pepper : Red pepper is one of the most vitamin A-rich foods, and you can put it on salads, pasta or pizza.
  • Egg yolk: Egg yolk is rich in vitamin A, so eating eggs regularly improves the health and beauty of the skin.
  • Pumpkin : Pumpkin contains a type of carotene that is converted into vitamin A in the body, and 100 grams of pumpkin gives you 2,100 micrograms of vitamin A.
  • Broccoli:  Cruciferous vegetables such as cauliflower and broccoli are packed with high amounts of vitamin A, and you can add broccoli to salads or pasta.

2Skin diet and vitamin C:

Vitamin C is one of the important vitamins for the skin, as it helps protect the skin from the ultraviolet rays of the sun and helps to form the collagen needed to maintain the youth and elasticity of the skin and make it look younger.

Foods rich in vitamin C:

  • Cantaloupe: Cantaloupe is a rich source of vitamin C, as one medium-sized fruit contains 202.6 mg of vitamin C.
  • Citrus: Citrus fruits such as oranges, lemons, tangerines and grapefruit contain high amounts of vitamin C.
  • Broccoli: A cup of broccoli contains as much vitamin C as an orange.
  • Red cabbage: Red cabbage contains a high percentage of vitamin C, and is characterized by being low in calories and a rich source of dietary fiber and other vitamins.
  • Kiwi: One serving of kiwi contains the recommended daily amount of vitamin c

3Skin diet and vitamin D:

Studies have proven that vitamin D helps reduce skin diseases such as acne, rosacea and atopic dermatitis, and it maintains the vitality and youth of the skin and protects it from skin-damaging factors.

Vitamin D-rich foods:

  • Salmon: Salmon is a fatty fish rich in vitamin D, as one serving of salmon provides 124% of the daily amount of vitamin D.
  • Tuna: One serving of canned tuna contains 268 international units of vitamin D.
  • Egg Yolk: Egg yolk is rich in many nutrients, the most important of which is vitamin D. The yolk of one egg contains 37 international units of vitamin D.
  • Mushrooms: Mushrooms are an excellent source of vitamin D, as each 100 grams of it contains 2,300 international units of vitamin D.

4Skin diet and vitamin E:

Vitamin E is an antioxidant that protects the skin from sun damage and free radicals, which helps protect the skin, prevent damage and make it more youthful.

 Foods Rich in Vitamin E:

  • Sunflower seeds: Sunflower seeds are one of the healthiest snacks rich in vitamin E, as each 100 grams of them contains 35.17 milligrams of vitamin E.
  • Almonds: Each 100 grams of almonds contains 25.63 of vitamin E, and you can eat roasted almonds as a snack, or add it to cereals and baked goods, or drink almond milk.
  • Peanuts: Each 100 grams of peanuts contains 4.93. You can eat roasted peanuts as a snack between meals.

5Skin diet and vitamin K:

Vitamin K helps heal wounds and reduces the incidence of skin diseases such as rosacea, spider veins and stretch marks, so we advise you to add vitamin K to your diet.

Foods rich in vitamin K:

  • Broccoli: Each half cup of broccoli provides 100 micrograms of vitamin K, which represents 92% of the body’s daily need for vitamin K.
  • Chicken : Every 100 grams of chicken contains 60 micrograms of vitamin K, which represents 43% of the body’s daily needs of vitamin K.
  • Kiwi: One kiwi fruit contains 28 micrograms, which is equivalent to 23% of the body’s daily requirement of vitamin K.
  • Green peas: One of the most vitamin K-rich vegetables, 100 grams of cooked green peas contain 59 micrograms, which is equivalent to 49% of the body’s daily needs of vitamin K.

6B-complex vitamins and skin diet:

Some skin diseases may be a symptom of lacking a certain group of vitamins, and the B complex vitamins contain vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12, biotin and folic acid. B vitamins to some skin symptoms such as cracks in the mouth, dry lips and dry skin

Foods rich in vitamin B:

  • Salmon: It contains a group of B vitamins such as vitamin B1, B2, B3, and B12, so try to eat a meal of salmon once or twice a week.
  • Eggs: One large egg provides 33% of the body’s daily needs of biotin, and eggs are rich in other B vitamins such as vitamin B2, B5 and folic acid.
  • Milk: Each 240 milliliters of milk provides 26% of the body’s daily needs of vitamin B2, and it also contains small amounts of other B vitamins, which include B1, B5 and B12.
  • Red meat: rich in B-complex vitamins, which include vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6 and B12.

If you want to get fresh, vibrant, youthful and problem-free skin, you should include foods rich in these vitamins into your routine diet