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September 13, 2023 admin

How to prevent health at home

How is health prevention inside the home, and what are the procedures and advice that you must follow, my dear, to protect your safety and preserve the health of your family members?


Health prevention inside the home is an important part of maintaining your health, personal safety, and the health of your family members. Learn about the most important healthy habits that help us avoid diseases


Tips and procedures


From here, here are some tips and actions you can take to maintain a healthy and clean home environment


Hand washing: Make sure to wash your hands regularly with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially before eating, after using the bathroom, and after returning from outside.


Cleaning and sterilizing surfaces: Constantly clean and wipe common surfaces inside the home, such as door handles, table tops, and remote controls, using appropriate cleaners and sterilize them periodically.


Use of mouth and nose protection: In the event of disease symptoms or when interacting with other people outside the family, protective masks for the face and nose must be used.


Social distancing: Try to maintain a safe social distance from people who are not members of your family to reduce the transmission of infectious diseases.


Home ventilation: Maintain good ventilation inside the home by opening windows regularly to circulate fresh air.


Proper food storage: Store food properly in the refrigerator and freezer and avoid leaving food exposed to contamination.


Personal hygiene: Maintain personal hygiene by bathing regularly, cleaning nails and hair, and changing clothes regularly.


Sleep and healthy nutrition: Eat healthy, balanced meals and try to get enough sleep.


Exercise: Do regular exercise at home to maintain your physical fitness.

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August 30, 2023 admin

Pollen for the treatment of anorexia and anemia

Pollen for the treatment of anorexia and anemia






Especially if it is because of my body or myself. One of the most common cases of anorexia is what occurs during adolescence For girls, as the girl suffers during this period a loss of appetite, which results in general weakness, wasting in general health, and disturbances in the menstrual cycle.

In addition to nervous exhaustion and some psychological disorders.

In general, loss of appetite is a general and common symptom in many diseases, especially those accompanied by a rise in body temperature


Such as infections of the respiratory system, digestive system, or urinary system, as well as loss of appetite is one of the most important symptoms of liver disease,It is worth noting that anorexia always accompanies the presence of malignant diseases in different parts of the body.



Physical degeneration and wasting, especially for children who suffer from malnutrition






Examples of this include rickets and kwashiorkor, which results from a deficiency in the amount of protein in children’s diets.



Where the feet become swollen as a result of the infiltration of water in them, muscle atrophy, and a delay in growth, in addition to some mental and psychological disorders,






There are also hair and skin changes, enlarged liver, gastrointestinal disturbances, anemia, and signs and symptoms of vitamin deficiencies.



Among the symptoms of malnutrition in children is also the disease “marmas”, or what is called infantile atrophy.






Among its symptoms are the emergence of continuous infections in the gastrointestinal tract, such as the common cold, and the appearance of wrinkles on the face of the child, like an old man.



This is due to the lack of meat and fat in the face.



Atrophy also affects other parts of the body, such as the abdomen, thighs, and extremities, to the extent that the body loses about 49% of its weight.



It is worth noting that pollen, with its high nutritional value and integrated nutrients, can compensate people with malnutrition or malnutrition for what they have suffered.



For the treatment of anemia:



Pollen can be used to treat anemia resulting from malnutrition, especially in children.



This is due to what these grains contain of vitamins, salts, minerals and trace elements that are involved in the formation of (hemoglobin) for red blood cells.






Especially the iron element, which is the main component of this substance, and pollen can also be used to treat anemia



Resulting from chronic blood loss, as occurs in cases of bleeding due to hemorrhoids, kidney disease, or menstruation in women,



Or during pregnancy, after childbirth and during the lactation period, as the body needs an increase in blood capacity and efficiency.

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May 23, 2023 admin

4 types of detox help you lose weight

4 types of detox help you lose weight



1- Green Detox Juice Take 2 green apples, wash them and cut them in half, along with 3 stalks of celery without leaves.


Wash 1 cucumber, 8 cabbage leaves and a sprig of mint, remove the skins and cut everything into small pieces. Also take a small piece of fresh ginger. Put all the ingredients in the water, also add lemon juice and add water as needed. 2- Carrot applesauce Take a large apple, wash it and cut it into pieces Take half a cup of pineapple pieces, 2 large carrots and a small piece of ginger Remove all the peels and cut everything into small pieces. Put all the ingredients in a blender and add some water as needed, blend until smooth. 3- Lemon juice with apples This delicious juice requires 2 peeled lemons cut in half, 4 apples cut in quarters and 2 cucumbers cut in half add them all in a blender, Add one cup of water and blend until smooth. 4- Orange detox


This smoothie has a creamy texture due to its special high-fiber ingredients. You need 2 medium apples, 3 celery stalks, 1 peeled orange, 2 medium pears, 1 sweet potato (5 cooked and peeled). You should wash all the ingredients properly first, before putting them in the blender.




Cut all the fruits and vegetables into small pieces, put them in a blender and blend. Add water if needed. You can also filter the juice before drinking.

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