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August 30, 2023 admin

Pollen for the treatment of anorexia and anemia

Pollen for the treatment of anorexia and anemia






Especially if it is because of my body or myself. One of the most common cases of anorexia is what occurs during adolescence For girls, as the girl suffers during this period a loss of appetite, which results in general weakness, wasting in general health, and disturbances in the menstrual cycle.

In addition to nervous exhaustion and some psychological disorders.

In general, loss of appetite is a general and common symptom in many diseases, especially those accompanied by a rise in body temperature


Such as infections of the respiratory system, digestive system, or urinary system, as well as loss of appetite is one of the most important symptoms of liver disease,It is worth noting that anorexia always accompanies the presence of malignant diseases in different parts of the body.



Physical degeneration and wasting, especially for children who suffer from malnutrition






Examples of this include rickets and kwashiorkor, which results from a deficiency in the amount of protein in children’s diets.



Where the feet become swollen as a result of the infiltration of water in them, muscle atrophy, and a delay in growth, in addition to some mental and psychological disorders,






There are also hair and skin changes, enlarged liver, gastrointestinal disturbances, anemia, and signs and symptoms of vitamin deficiencies.



Among the symptoms of malnutrition in children is also the disease “marmas”, or what is called infantile atrophy.






Among its symptoms are the emergence of continuous infections in the gastrointestinal tract, such as the common cold, and the appearance of wrinkles on the face of the child, like an old man.



This is due to the lack of meat and fat in the face.



Atrophy also affects other parts of the body, such as the abdomen, thighs, and extremities, to the extent that the body loses about 49% of its weight.



It is worth noting that pollen, with its high nutritional value and integrated nutrients, can compensate people with malnutrition or malnutrition for what they have suffered.



For the treatment of anemia:



Pollen can be used to treat anemia resulting from malnutrition, especially in children.



This is due to what these grains contain of vitamins, salts, minerals and trace elements that are involved in the formation of (hemoglobin) for red blood cells.






Especially the iron element, which is the main component of this substance, and pollen can also be used to treat anemia



Resulting from chronic blood loss, as occurs in cases of bleeding due to hemorrhoids, kidney disease, or menstruation in women,



Or during pregnancy, after childbirth and during the lactation period, as the body needs an increase in blood capacity and efficiency.

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February 9, 2022 admin

Want to change from animal milk? Here are 5 healthy plant-based milks

Rice milk, almond milk, soy milk, coconut milk, oat milk… What do you think if we told you that you could replace cow’s or goat’s milk with all these types of plant-based milks? All you have to do is choose the most appropriate type for you to resort to and add it to your diet, especially if you are one of the people who are allergic to animal milk, which causes flatulence and flatulence.

We will make the selection process easier for you and introduce you in the following lines to each of the different and healthy types of milk, derived from non-animal sources.



oat milk

Derived from the seeds of the oat plant (Avena sativa), this type of milk has a light and sweet taste, and is often used as a low-fat alternative to cow’s milk and is suitable for people who follow a vegetarian diet.

Oat milk is lactose-free and contains a very low percentage of fat and calories. It is also rich in vitamins A, B, C, D and E, iron and magnesium.

It is usually recommended to resort to oat milk, especially if the person has cholesterol, as it is free of it. It is also the best type of milk to resort to if a person is allergic to almonds and dairy products of animal origin.  


rice milk

This type of milk is made by boiling brown rice, and since it is made from rice, it is the least effective type of milk for people who are sensitive to lactose, soy and almonds. In addition, rice milk is also suitable for people who suffer from high cholesterol because the cholesterol content in it is very low.

It is true that the percentage of fat in this milk is very low compared to other types of milk, but in return it lacks vitamins, minerals, calcium and protein that the body mainly needs. Rice milk is also rich in starches compared to other types of milk and is therefore not recommended for diabetics and growing children.


Almond milk 

This type of milk is made from ground almonds and is used as a substitute for cow’s milk in general. It is free of cholesterol and lactose and is a non-animal source and therefore 100% suitable for people who follow a vegetarian diet.

Almond milk is rich in many minerals and vitamins such as zinc, iron, calcium and vitamin E. It also contains a lower percentage of protein compared to cow’s milk in particular. This milk is not suitable for people who suffer from high blood pressure because it is rich in sodium, but it is definitely suitable for people who follow a diet to lose weight.


Soy milk

This type of milk is made from soybeans so that the soybeans are soaked in water and then ground. Soy milk is just as high in protein and starch as cow’s milk, but it is an alternative option for vegetarians who do not consume animal products. On the other hand, unlike cow’s milk, soy milk is cholesterol-free and low in fat.

Soy milk is not suitable for people with high purine levels in the body, or what is known as gout.


coconut milk

This type of milk is extracted from coconut and is considered one of the most beneficial types of milk on the aesthetic level In addition to its aesthetic properties, coconut milk helps to lose weight.

It is a rich source of saturated fats that are very beneficial for people who suffer from excess weight and who aim to lose it. It also improves the work of the digestive system and speeds up the metabolism

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