German nutritionist Astrid Donalis said that caloric counting is subject to several important criteria such as daily energy need, age, nature of work, exercise, and lifestyle in general. Donalis explained that the daily energy need consists of two main components, the first of which is the “basal metabolic rate”, that is, the amount of …
A drink to get rid of excess body fat
Get rid of the accumulated fats in your body that do not give you an ideal slim figure by drinking a drink that tastes delicious and is effective in its results. Follow the following method: You need: A bunch of green mint and 2 sliced lemons. Boil them in a liter and a half …
Does rosehip tea burn fat?
When it comes to weight loss and fat burning, we come across dozens of different types of tea; such as sage, green tea, white tea… The common feature of these teas is that they contribute positively to weight loss when consumed with a correct nutrition program. It is a fact that no tea is a …
Fat Burning Mix Recipe While You Sleep
How about detoxifying your body and burning fat? With this mixture we share while you sleep at night, your body will continue to burn fat. Here is the recipe for the mixture that burns fat while you sleep at night… This mixture helps to eliminate waste and toxic substances in your body. It also cleanses …
Benefits of selenium husks for weight loss
How can we use selenium husks to lose weight and control fat burning and weight gain? Selenium husks are a soluble fiber that is used as a type of laxative, in addition to the benefits of selenium husks in weight loss And a group of health problems such as constipation, treatment of high levels of harmful …