
Skin Repair-Anti-Aging Care Mask

Skin Repair-Anti-Aging Care Mask

Skin Repair-Anti-Aging Care Mask






1 Egg


1 dessertspoon of honey


1 Teaspoon of Olive Oil


1 Teaspoon of Aloe Vera Gel


Preparation and application:


Break the egg into a small bowl and separate the yolk from the white. Egg white will be used in our mask. Put the egg yolk on the rack.


Add the other ingredients to the egg white and mix well.


Apply the mixture to your cleansed skin by massaging it with your fingertips.


Wait 30 minutes.


Wash off with plenty of lukewarm water.


Dry with a paper towel.




Apply this mask, which supports the production of collagen in the skin with its antiaging effect, twice a week at regular intervals.


With the rich minerals and vitamins of the ingredients in the mask, your acne problems will disappear, acne will dry, and your skin will feel relaxed.


You can see the difference in your skin after regular use. If you want to make your skin look baby-like and your skin is dry and this causes flaking, you should definitely try this mask!

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