Recommended tips for taking care of the vaginal area

Recommended tips for taking care of the vaginal area and maintaining its health include the following:



Avoid douching


One of the first and most important tips for caring for the sensitive area is to avoid cleaning the vagina using a douche, as the vagina maintains its cleanliness on its own through the beneficial bacteria present in the area and its own pH level.



On the other hand, douching can remove some of the beneficial bacteria in addition to changing the pH of the area, which makes the area more susceptible to bacterial or fungal infections.



Douching can also be associated with many other risks, such as:



Sexually transmitted diseases.


Vaginal pain.


Cervical cancer.




Ectopic pregnancy.


Premature birth and low birth weight, which are among the risks of using internal vaginal douche as part of the intimate area care routine during pregnancy.


Instead, it is recommended to wash only the outer part (labia majora) of the vagina using water and mild, unscented soap. You can also use any pH-balanced cleanser that has been designed specifically for this area.

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