
Potato facial cleanser!

Potato facial cleanser!

Potatoes contain acidic chemical compounds and properties that work to whiten the skin and a natural remedy to get rid of acne and get rid of dark circles under the eyes. It can also be used in hair treatments as well.


To make the cleanser you will need:


– ¼ cup of peeled and sliced ​​cucumber


With 1/8 cup of fresh potatoes cut into small pieces in a blender.


– Then add one egg with a cup of yogurt and a teaspoon of baking soda


Then mix the ingredients together for one minute.





Then the mixture is applied to the face and neck for 10 minutes, then rinsed well with lukewarm water.


And to maintain the vitality and youth of the skin


Mix one potato with 2 tablespoons of apple juice in a blender, then put the mixture on the face for 15 minutes

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