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Parsley’ at home is a semi-integrated medical pharmacy for prevention and treatment - Care Beauty

Parsley’ at home is a semi-integrated medical pharmacy for prevention and treatment

The benefits of parsley are limited to its leaves only and it has many medical benefits because it contains a high percentage of vitamin (A) that strengthens sexual energy and eyesight, and it also has a high percentage of vitamin (C) that helps increase the body’s resistance to colds and common cold.






The medicinal benefits of parsley are as follows:

1. Diet: Parsley juice helps a lot in losing weight, due to its clear effectiveness in dissolving the accumulated fats and fats in the human body.


2. It is useful in treating the liver and gallbladder.


3. Blood circulation and the heart: Parsley is useful in treating cases of anemia, and thus it is a treatment for anemia. It also helps to expand blood vessels, regenerates tiny capillaries, and regulates blood circulation in the body, in addition to being beneficial for the heart.


4. The muscular system: Parsley strengthens the muscles of the body, and it regenerates cells.


5. The nervous system: Parsley strengthens the nervous system, as well as it strengthens memory and combats forgetfulness.


6. The urinary system: Parsley relieves pain in the kidneys, bladder, and urethra. It also treats urinary tract stones by dissolving them. (A boiled parsley seed is used as a drink to treat urinary retention).


7. The digestive system: Parsley is an appetizer and helps to digest food. It is also an effective remedy for constipation and gases. It is laxative, soothing and soothing to the stomach.


8. Skin: Boiled parsley (a bundle in a liter of water) washes the face and restores its freshness and vitality. It also treats pimples and pimples, by drinking it twice a day for a week. Boiled parsley is useful as a lubricant for oily skin, as it maintains the integrity and purity of the skin. It is also used as compresses. It is applied to the breast to treat infections and lactation problems, and it is also a fever reducer and a diaphoretic.


9. The respiratory system: Parsley is useful in asthma attacks and respiratory disorders, and parsley juice treats bronchial infections, by boiling parsley in water for 10 minutes, then drinking it several times during the day, to purify and cleanse the respiratory system.


10. The reproductive system: Parsley is an effective remedy as a vaginal wash for women, to treat white gonorrhea and menstrual disorders, as it regulates menstruation.


11. Parsley oil is used as a treatment for impotence. It is also considered a detonator of vital energy and physical strength.


12. Parsley is useful in treating rheumatism.


13. The immune system: Parsley increases the body’s immunity against many diseases.


14. The thyroid gland: Boiled parsley helps treat the thyroid gland, by boiling it at night, then drinking half a liter of it before going to sleep, and half a liter on an empty stomach, for 3 days.


15. Chewing parsley eliminates the smell of onions in the mouth.


This means that parsley at home is a semi-integrated medical pharmacy, prevention and treatment.