
Papaya and flour to lighten the skin in less than two weeks

Papaya and flour to lighten the skin in less than two weeks

Do you always resort to using chemicals to lighten your skin? Watch out! You may face some problems after that; So you should stay away from using chemicals that may harm your skin and replace it with natural materials that nourish your skin and protect it from chemical damage.

Here are 6 natural ways to lighten your skin safely with a quick result that you will notice after less than two weeks:


1.Honey: Put a spoonful of honey on your face before taking a shower, distribute it well, leave it for a few minutes, then rinse your face with lukewarm water as usual, as honey is rich in antibacterial and moisturizing properties that moisturize your skin and protect it from damage.

2. Lemon: Pass half a lemon on your skin, leave it for at least an hour, then rinse your face with lukewarm water. Lemon is rich in vitamin C, which encourages the growth of new cells and helps lighten the skin.

3. Yogurt: Mix a spoon of yogurt with a spoon of honey, put the mixture on your skin, leave it for a few minutes, then rinse your skin with lukewarm water, as yogurt is rich in lactic acids that help whiten the skin.

4. Flour: Make a paste of flour and water, put it on your skin, leave it until it dries, then rinse your skin with lukewarm water, as the flour works to lighten the skin.

5. Papaya: Make sure to eat a fruit of papaya daily, as it helps lighten your skin quickly. You can also add lemon juice to a mashed papaya, put it on your skin for half an hour, and then rinse your skin with lukewarm water.

6. Cucumber: It is the best for sensitive skin, because it is rich in collagen, which helps lighten and nourish the skin. All you have to do is put cucumber slices on your skin and get some relaxation

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