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February 7, 2022 admin

Soft drinks damage in quick points

Our parents have always warned us about the harms of soft drinks, to no avail, but after reading this article, we expect that you will change your mind and be actually convinced of the harms of many soft drinks. Here are several reasons that will push you to stop yourself from drinking it, which we will mention in the following lines:

  • Sugar:

One of the disadvantages of soft drinks is that one cup of them contains the equivalent of 10 teaspoons of sugar. This amount of sugar, especially in liquid form, causes high blood sugar and insulin reaction in the body. Over time it can lead to diabetes or insulin resistance, not to mention weight gain and other health problems. Soft drink companies are the largest consumer of sugar in the country.


  • phosphoric acid

Among the other harms of soft drinks is that they contain phosphoric acid, which interferes with the body’s ability to absorb calcium and can lead to osteoporosis, tooth decay and softening of the bones. Phosphoric acid also interacts with stomach acid, slowing digestion and preventing nutrient absorption.


  • Artificial sweeteners

The artificial sweetener found in diet sodas, aspartame is used as a sugar substitute, and it can actually be more harmful than regular sugar. Various health problems have been linked to eating it such as: multiple sclerosis, brain tumors and diabetes.


  • Caffeine:

One of the harms of soft drinks is that they contain caffeine, which has been linked to some types of cancer, breast tumors, irregular heartbeat, high blood pressure and other problems.


  • Contaminated water:

The water used in soft drinks is just tap water and can contain chemicals such as chlorine, fluoride and traces of heavy metals.


  • It has no nutritional value:

There is absolutely no nutritional value in soft drinks. They only contain soda, which is an unnatural substance that harms the body, as we mentioned earlier.

February 7, 2022 admin

What are the best types of tea and its benefits for health?


There are many types of tea and its many benefits reach the point of preventing some diseases. What are the best types of tea? And what are its health benefits? This is what we will address in the following lines, where we will tell you about the most prominent types of tea that you can consume in addition to the benefits of each.

The best types of tea and its benefits

1- green tea

Green tea tops the list. It is also considered the most beneficial type of tea and more like a health champion. Its benefits:

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  • Cancer prevention.
  • Fight heart disease.
  • lowers blood pressure;
  • Anti-inflammatory treatment.
  • Lose weight.
  • lowering cholesterol;

2- herbal tea

Drink herbal tea to treat many problems, here are the most prominent:

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  • Relaxing the airways for some conditions, such as asthma. Drink herbal teas containing turmeric, cinnamon or ginger.
  • Calming, relaxing and relieving pain.
  • Treating nasal congestion and relieving it.

3- Mint tea

Mint tea has many benefits, including:

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  • Peppermint tea is rich in menthol, which improves digestion and digestive health such as bloating, heartburn or indigestion. It also helps boost immunity and strengthen the immune system.
  • Relax the throat muscles, relieve nasal congestion and reduce fever.
  • Anti-viral, anti-bacterial and maintain good health.

4- Ginger tea

Ginger tea is primarily a digestive remedy. Here are its main benefits:

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  • Calms cramps and discomfort in the digestive system.
  • Reduces nausea and a quick remedy for pregnant women who suffer from morning sickness.
  • Improving digestive health by preventing and alleviating celiac disease.
  • Improving nutrient absorption and lowering the risk of stomach ulcers

5- Chamomile tea


  • Calms the nerves.
  • Rich in antioxidants that regulate sleep, improve digestion, boost immunity, and lower stress levels.

6- Jasmine flower tea

A blend of green tea and jasmine, very popular in Japan. Here are its benefits:

  • Contains antioxidants.
  • Protects cells from damage, especially cells associated with aging.
  • It improves physical health.
  • Reduces miscarriage.

7- black tea

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One of the most widespread types of tea in the world, especially in the Arab world. It is made from the leaves of the camellia plant. These leaves are soaked, dried, and re-ground. Here are its benefits:

  • Anti-oxidant.
  • Lowering cholesterol levels in the blood.
  • Reduces strokes.
  • Contains 40 mg of caffeine per cup.

8- White tea

It is milder than the black thing. Here are its benefits:

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  • It has less caffeine than black tea.
  • It contains large proportions of antioxidants that fight cancer.
  • It reduces cholesterol levels in the body.
  • It protects against heart disease.

9- Sage tea

It is prepared from the leaves of a shrub that is native to South Africa. Here are its benefits:

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  • It contains a large amount of vitamins and antioxidants.
  • Significantly increases the body’s immunity.
  • Good dental hardener.
  • It increases the freshness and moisture of the skin and strengthens the bones.

10- Matcha tea

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It is considered a strange tea because it comes as a powder on the ground of stones. It is so popular in Japan that it is celebrated for how it is prepared and served. Plus, green tea ice cream is derived from it.

February 7, 2022 admin

5 home remedies for upset stomach

Stomach disorders are one of the most common health problems, and they occur for several reasons, including indigestion, infections, accumulation of gases, and poisoning cases as a result of eating unhealthy foods, and they usually cause mild pain that may last for hours, and sometimes for days.
In a report, the French blog “ameliore ta sante” says that chronic stomach pain requires consulting a doctor to determine the causes and obtain appropriate treatment, while home remedies can suffice if the problem is temporary and the pain is mild, and these treatments include:

1. Ginger

Ginger is characterized by its anti-inflammatory properties and its benefits in treating digestive problems, which was proven by a study conducted by the Autonomous Metropolitan University of Mexico. The best way to get the full benefits of ginger is to take it in the form of an herbal tea.

One piece of fresh ginger.
2 tablespoons of lemon juice (30 milliliters).
1 tablespoon of honey (25 grams).
A cup of water (250 milliliters).
How to prepare
Put the fresh ginger in a pot of water and let it boil for 5 minutes, then take it out and wait for some time and then drain it.
Add lemon juice and honey.
You can drink the mixture 2 or 3 times a day.

2. Chamomile

Chamomile tea is a good remedy for stomach pain, especially after eating a heavy meal. Chamomile acts as a digestive tonic, thanks to its analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties, which was proven by a study conducted by the Victoria de Giron Center for Biomedical Research in Cuba.

2 tablespoons of dried chamomile flowers (30 grams).
1 tablespoon of lemon juice (15 ml).
A cup of water (250 milliliters).
How to prepare
Put two tablespoons of dried chamomile flowers in a cup of boiling water.
Put a lid on the bowl and leave it for 10 minutes.
Filter the drink and add a tablespoon of lemon juice.

3. Mint

According to a study conducted by the Higher Institute of Military Medicine at Dr. Luis Diaz Soto Hospital in Cuba, mint helps improve bile flow and relieve stomach pain.

2 tablespoons of fresh mint leaves (30 grams)
A cup of water (250 milliliters).
2 tablespoons lemon juice (to taste)
How to prepare
Put the mint leaves in a cup of water and boil it over medium heat for 5 minutes.
Leave it for some time and then filter it.
Add lemon juice.
Drink the mixture twice a day.

4. Aloe vera

According to a study conducted by the Universidade de la Serena in Chile, aloe vera helps improve digestion, fights constipation and reduces inflammation.
The best way to take advantage of the benefits of aloe vera is to extract the gel and make a juice, and eat it in moderation.

Cactus leaf.
1 tablespoon of honey (25 grams).
1/2 cup water (100 milliliters)
How to prepare
Extract the gel from the aloe vera plant, then mix it with the rest of the ingredients.

5. Peppermint

This herb is a good option for treating stomach disorders and associated pain. According to a study conducted by the Cuban Center for Drug Research and Development, peppermint helps reduce inflammation, acts as an antiseptic and relieves stomach pain.
Peppermint tea is the best option, but the plant can also be incorporated into different recipes.

A handful of mint.
liters of water.
How to prepare
Pour a liter of water into a saucepan with a handful of mint and boil for a few minutes.
Leave it for 10 minutes and then filter it

February 7, 2022 admin

magical solution with natural ingredients that is powerful in teeth whitening

Oral and dental care is one of the healthiest things that individuals should not neglect and take care of, even if there is no dentist. It smells bad.

Ingredients: an amount  salt + granules of cloves + leaves of basil, if available

Method of preparation: put the live salt in warm water with granules of cloves and basil and leave the ingredients soaked in water for an hour, then take a quantity of the solution and swish it in your mouth after brushing the teeth, this recipe kills Germs and microbes make the mouth smell distinctive and fresh for a long time.





February 7, 2022 admin

Nutritionist: Lemon is good, but not for everyone

Dr. Alexandra Lapina, a Russian nutrition expert, announced that lemon improves the digestion of food, stimulates appetite and lowers cholesterol.

In an interview with the Russian RIA Novosti news agency, the expert points out that lemon has many benefits for health, but at the same time there are specific features in the body that prevent its consumption.
“Lemon improves digestion, stimulates appetite, lowers cholesterol, relieves spasms and prevents malignant tumors,” she says. “Lemon is often used to fight colds and coughs. It also has antiviral and antibacterial properties.”
She adds, but not everyone can eat lemon, because it causes allergies. It is also not recommended for those who suffer from kidney, stomach and intestine problems to take it.

February 7, 2022 admin

Drinking coffee may reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease

A recent Australian study found that drinking coffee helps slow cognitive decline and reduces the accumulation of amyloid deposits in the brain, which is one of the causes of Alzheimer’s disease, but these results need additional studies to confirm.

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In a report published by the British Medical News Today website, writer Debbie Lambert says that Alzheimer’s is the most common cause of dementia in the world, with a rate of between 50 and 75% of the total cases, according to experts, and so far, what is recommended to deal with With this disease – and in the absence of an effective drug – it is to follow a healthy pattern that delays its development.





Study lead author Dr. Samantha Gardner stresses that if additional research shows an association between coffee and slowing cognitive decline, coffee can be recommended in the future as a lifestyle designed to delay the onset of Alzheimer’s disease.

The study sample included 227 individuals aged 60 years or over, and they did not have cognitive decline at the beginning of the study. The team used a questionnaire to collect information about the amount of coffee they drank daily over an 18-month period, then cognitive assessments were conducted – using a selection of psychological scales – in 6 cognitive domains.



A subgroup of 60 volunteers underwent positron emission tomography (PET) scans to assess the accumulation of beta-amyloid in the brain, and a subgroup of 51 volunteers underwent MRI scans to assess brain volume atrophy.

Analysis of the data showed that drinking coffee was positively associated with executive function and attention, slower cognitive decline, and decreased accumulation of amyloid protein over a 126-month period.

The results indicate that one to two cups of coffee per day can reduce cognitive decline by 8% after 18 months, with a 5% reduction in beta-amyloid buildup in the brain in the same period.

Dr. Gardner says that what the results of the study show about the slow formation of beta-amyloid protein is interesting, especially since the drug that was recently approved for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease in the United States also works by targeting the protein itself, but it did not show any effect in reducing cognitive decline, on the body. reverse coffee.


Study shortcomings


The author explains that it is difficult to generalize the results of the study, because the data were self-reported, which may lead to a methodological error in the research known as “recall bias”, as well as the small sample of the study, and the failure to distinguish the results between caffeinated coffee and decaffeinated coffee. .

Gardner explains that most of the study participants are white, so additional studies on more diverse groups are needed to confirm the results.



Dr Sarah Emarisio, head of research at Alzheimer’s Research UK, says such studies could provide clues about the impact of diet on brain health, but caution should be exercised in interpreting the results, as there are other factors that contribute to dementia.

She adds that additional research should be conducted to understand the benefits of regular coffee consumption, while the best way to maintain brain health with age is to maintain physical and mental activity, stick to a healthy and balanced diet, stay away from tobacco and alcohol, pay attention to weight, and maintain cholesterol level. and blood pressure

February 7, 2022 admin

For clear and glowing skin try this mask

Who does not want to have clear skin as snow and free from blemishes and blemishes? Of course, we all want that, and our magazine always suggests natural solutions that fulfill every woman’s dream of having that bright and flawless skin, including this special recipe.

Ingredients: a spoonful of ground parsley + a spoon of rose water + a spoon of fine white flour + a spoon of honey

Method of preparation: Mix all these ingredients until they are homogeneous, then apply it on your skin and leave it for 30 minutes, then rinse and repeat the recipe every day for 15 days and you will not believe The result you will get.




February 7, 2022 admin

Change your hair color to this shiny brown color

Changing the hair color is one of the most distinctive and beautiful touches in a woman’s appearance, as the change makes her feel permanently better. However, chemical dyeing often loses the hair’s beauty and luster. That is why we brought to you natural ingredients to change the hair color and get an attractive look without chemicals or dye.

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Ingredients: Half a cup of cocoa + two tablespoons of instant coffee + two tablespoons of turmeric + 4 tablespoons of ground chamomile + one tablespoon of morrocan soap + one whole egg + 4 tablespoons of henna
Method of preparation: Soak the chamomile in a quantity of boiling water, then mix all the ingredients, what is chamomile Soaked in water after an hour of soaking and leave the ingredients to hold together and ferment, then apply it to your hair and leave the mixture on it for a period ranging between two hours to 4 hours, depending on the color of your hair, then rinse and you will see a distinctive golden color without dye or chemicals.

February 7, 2022 admin

Intensify eyebrows easily with 13 new mixtures

Many women seek to thicken the eyebrows and get a thick and attractive duty, especially if they are naturally light. Thick eyebrows make you look more beautiful and younger, that’s why most women want their eyebrows to be thick. But not all women can make their eyebrows thicker in natural ways. If you are one of the women who have thin eyebrows and have spaces, here are some home recipes to make the eyebrows thick and all are effective, easy and effective ways.

Eyebrow conditioning

Here are these natural mixtures, prepare them yourself if you want to intensify the eyebrows

1- Castor oil:

Castor oil has been used for centuries as a treatment for many beauty problems and conditions, such as hair loss. It is magical for hair, eyelashes and eyebrows. Castor oil is an anti-bacterial and anti-fungal oil in nature. But it is more important for hair because of its nutritional composition. It contains vitamin E, minerals, proteins, Oeja 6 and 9 fatty acids. Castor oil is very rich in ricanolic (a fatty acid), which is very beneficial for the skin. It neutralizes the PH level and helps hair grow in an effective way by providing the appropriate environment.

  •  You need castor oil and cotton
  • Dip a piece of cotton in the oil
  • – Wipe with cotton on the eyebrows and it is possible to use fingers to apply oil on the eyebrows
  • Make a gentle massage of the eyebrows using the oil for 2-3 minutes
  • Leave the oil on the eyebrows for half an hour
  • – Wash the eyebrows with a cleanser and lukewarm water
  • Do this daily and you will notice the result within 4-6 weeks

Warning: Castor oil may cause skin irritation. If you are allergic to castor oil, it may cause a rash. So it is a good idea to test the oil on a small area of ​​the skin before using it.

2- Coconut oil:

Very rich in minerals and vitamins, it has been used since ancient times to treat hair problems. The proteins and fatty acids present in coconut oil stimulate and help hair to grow.

  • You need coconut oil, preferably from a reliable source
  • Put a few drops of coconut oil on the eyebrows
  • If the oil freezes (coconut oil is quick to harden at low temperatures), rub it between your hands or warm it up a little.
  • Massage the eyebrows using the oil for a few minutes
  • Leave it on overnight or not less than 1-2 hours
  • – Wash it with warm water
  • Do this every day and you will see results within 6-8 weeks

3- Olive oil:

A massage for the eyebrows using olive oil enhances the movement of blood circulation, which is necessary for hair growth. Olive oil is not only useful for eyebrows, but for hair as well, as it reduces the production of the hormone Dihydrotestosterone (DHT). This hormone causes hair loss because it makes the hair strands tight.

  • You need half a teaspoon of olive oil
  • honey (optional)
  • warm water
  • Massage the eyebrows using olive oil for 2-3 minutes, preferably before bedtime
  • Leave it on all night and wash it off in the morning
  • If you use honey and olive oil, mix them well
  • Massage with this mixture on the eyebrows
  • Leave it on for 30-40 minutes
  • – Wash it with warm water
  • Repeat this until you get satisfactory results

4- Sweet Almond Oil:

Sweet almond oil contains a high concentration of vitamins and minerals. Fatty acids 9, 6, 3 are also present and help in hair growth and maintenance. Massage using oil stimulates hair growth.

  • Put a few drops of the oil on the eyebrows
  • Massage for a few minutes
  • Leave it overnight or a few hours
  • – Wash it with lukewarm water
  • Repeat this

5- Jojoba oil:

It contains 98% of unsaturated oils and 2% of saturated oils. This makes it penetrate the hair follicles and strengthen the hair from the inside. It is also rich in vitamins A, B1, B2, B6 and E. All of this helps to promote the growth of eyebrows and increase their density.

  • Steps: Using jojoba oil, do an eyebrow massage and repeat until you get satisfactory results

6- Sesame oil:

Sesame oil has great nutritional benefits and a powerful factor in healing diseases. It contains vitamins such as B complex and E and some minerals such as magnesium, calcium and phosphorous, as well as protein. All of these substances strengthen the hair and nourish it from the roots.

  • Steps: Using sesame oil, massage the eyebrows for a few minutes, leave it for hours or overnight, and then wash it with lukewarm water.

7- Linseed oil:

Contains omega-3 linseed oil with materials necessary for hair growth. A massage using linseed oil strengthens and strengthens hair. It is also possible to include linseed oil in a healthy nutrition system for better health.


  • Put a few drops of linseed oil on the eyebrows
  • – Do a massage
  • Leave it on for 30-60 minutes
  • Repeat until you get satisfactory results

Oils alone are not useful for hair growth, there are many natural substances and herbs that are used to promote hair growth, such as yogurt, onion juice, hibiscus, egg yolk and aloe vera oil.

8- Onion juice:

One of the best home remedies to thicken eyebrows hair is very rich in sulfur. Sulfur not only protects hair from falling out, but also promotes its growth. It also works to strengthen hair follicles.

  • an onion
  • lemon juice (optional)
  • a piece of cotton
  • Squeeze the onion and extract the juice
  • Use the juice to massage the eyebrows for 2-3 minutes
  • Leave it on for half an hour or an hour or more
  • – Wash it with warm water
  • If you cannot get rid of the onion smell, wipe the eyebrows with a piece of cotton dipped in lemon juice
  • Repeat this daily to get excellent results

9- Egg yolk:

Hair consists of a protein called keratin, which is an essential component of hair, and eggs are an essential source of protein, as it helps rebuild damaged hair. Eggs also contain biotin, which is essential for hair growth.

  • An egg and a piece of cotton
  • Separate the egg yolk from the white
  • Beat the egg yolk with a fork until it becomes semi-cream
  • – Dip the cotton in the yolk that has been beaten with
  • – Wipe the cotton on the eyebrows and leave it for 20-30 minutes
  • Wash the eyebrows with warm water
  • Repeat this once or twice a week

10- Milk:

Milk, like eggs, is very rich in protein. A low-protein diet causes hair loss and thin eyebrows. Therefore, protein must be included in the diet, such as milk. There are two types of protein in milk, whey and milk protein, which are very useful in hair growth. The glutamine in milk protein stimulates the growth of hair follicles, and therefore is very useful in hair growth, and this can be exploited in the growth of eyebrow hair.

  • milk and cotton
  • Dip the coffin in the milk
  • Do a massage and leave it for 15-20 minutes
  • – Wash with warm water
  • Repeat this more than once a day

11- Aloe Vera:

Very useful for hair strands and strengthening them and helps in the growth of hair in a quick and excellent way and also smoothes the skin.

  • Aloe vera leaf
  • Coconut oil (optional)
  • Cut the aloe vera leaf and take out the substance inside
  • Use it to massage the eyebrows for 2-3 minutes
  • Leave it for an hour and a half and then wash it off
  • Coconut oil can be added to increase the effectiveness of hair growth

12- Hibiscus:

Beautiful pink herbs are very useful in hair growth, strengthening it as well as protecting hair from premature pigmentation. It contains very excellent nutrients such as amino acids, vitamins C and E and alpha hydroxy acids along with other nutrients that stimulate hair growth.

  • Chop the hibiscus flowers until you get a paste
  • Apply the paste on the eyebrows and leave it for an hour and a half
  • Repeat it daily

13- Rosemary:

Very useful in protecting hair, and with frequent use, it helps to strengthen hair follicles and stimulates its growth.

  • 2-3 drops of rosemary oil
  • Half a teaspoon of olive oil, coconut oil, or any other oil
  • Mix rosemary oil with any other oil of your choice
  • Apply the mixed oil to the eyebrows using a cotton pad
  • Massage for 2-3 minutes
  • Leave it on for a few hours or overnight and then wash it off
  • – Repeat daily

Some important tips:

Avoid plucking a lot of the eyebrows, because this weakens the hair, reduces it and changes the shape of the eyebrows. Do not pluck only when necessary.

– Avoid using strong chemicals if the creams and moisturizers for the eyebrows are made of chemicals, try replacing them with other natural materials. Also, do not use these creams and moisturizers excessively, because this weakens the hair follicles and reduces hair growth.

Minimize the use of eyebrow makeup: If you want natural-looking eyebrows, do not use makeup, eyeliner pencils, or any other cosmetics.

If you follow a healthy diet, it must be balanced and contain all the nutrients from proteins, vitamins and minerals necessary for hair growth and thus eyebrow hair

February 7, 2022 admin

Corona virus, all you need to know about it

The new Corona virus, which is called “COVID-19” is a new type of corona virus that infects the human respiratory system and causes the emergence of respiratory diseases, and this virus first appeared in the Chinese city of Wuhan.

Corona viruses are a group of common viruses, and were named by this name because of the presence of some protrusions on their surface that resemble a “crown”, hence the name “CORONA”. Some of these viruses affect only animals, while some types of Corona virus can infect humans, causing symptoms similar to those of colds and influenza, which are mild to severe, and can also cause more serious diseases such as pneumonia and infections. airways; The types of corona viruses include the Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) virus, the severe acute respiratory syndrome virus (SARS), and finally the emerging corona virus (COVID-19).

And the Corona virus can be transmitted from one person to another, through droplets, when a person infected with the virus sneezes in front of a healthy person, as the virus can be transmitted if you are close to the infected person. The emerging corona virus can also be transmitted to humans by human contact with any surface with the virus on it and then touching the mouth or nose, but this is not believed to be the main way for the virus to spread.

The emerging corona virus causes respiratory diseases that range from mild to severe and may even lead to death in some cases, and symptoms usually begin to appear within two to 14 days of infection with the virus, and these symptoms include:

  • fever.
  • coughing;
  • hard breathing.

How does the emerging corona virus infection spread?

The new Corona virus usually spreads from an infected person to another healthy person through one of the following ways:

  • air, by coughing and sneezing.
  • Direct contact with the infected person by touching or shaking hands.
  • Touching an object or surface that has the virus, then touching your mouth, nose, or eyes before washing your hands.
  • It is rarely transmitted through feces.

Who are the people most vulnerable to infection with the emerging corona virus?

Anyone can get infected with the emerging corona virus, but the people most susceptible to infection are children, the elderly, and people with a weak immune system or those with some chronic diseases such as kidney and liver disease and diabetes.

What are the symptoms of corona virus infection?

Symptoms depend on the type of coronavirus and how severe it is. If you have a mild to moderate upper respiratory infection such as the common cold, your symptoms may include:

  • Runny nose.
  • headache;
  • coughing;
  • sore throat.
  • fever.
  • Feeling of general tiredness and exhaustion.

Some coronaviruses can cause more severe symptoms and infections may turn into bronchitis or pneumonia, which symptoms include:

  • Fever, which may be very high (more than 39 degrees Celsius).
  • Cough with mucus.
  • severe shortness of breath;
  • Chest pain or shortness of breath and coughing.

Acute infections often occur in people with chronic heart disease or lung disease, people with weakened immune systems, infants, or the elderly.

Is there an effective treatment for the emerging corona virus infection?

So far, there are no specific treatments for the emerging corona virus infection, as health experts and the World Health Organization indicate that most cases will improve on their own. People infected with the emerging coronavirus can take some methods to relieve symptoms, and these methods include the following:

  • Take over-the-counter pain medications to reduce pain, fever and cough, such as paracetamol and ibuprofen.
  • Use a room humidifier or take a hot shower to help relieve a sore throat and cough.
  • Get plenty of rest.
  • Drink fluids so that the body does not become dehydrated.

Can corona virus infection be prevented?

At the present time, there are no vaccines to prevent infection with the emerging corona virus, but you can take some steps that help reduce the risk of infection and limit the spread of infection:

  • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds at a time, and if soap and water are not available, you can use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
  • Avoid touching your nose, face, or mouth if you haven’t washed your hands.
  • Avoid contact with a person who is infected with the Corona virus.
  • Clean the surfaces you touch frequently.
  • If you are coughing or sneezing, always cover your face with a tissue.

The new Corona virus is one of the Corona viruses that began to appear recently in China, specifically in the city of Wuhan, and then began to spread in many countries and countries around the world. Although there have been deaths due to the emerging corona virus, it is not considered a fatal epidemic so far, as the World Health Organization indicates that the death rate does not exceed 2% of infected cases, but it is considered an emergency situation of concern around the world. Avoiding contact with people infected with the Corona virus and maintaining your personal hygiene routine will help reduce the risk of infection significantly.