Simple recipes to remove acne scars

The purity and cleanliness of the skin is one of the things that most women and girls worry about, although many of them suffer from the appearance of pimples and their effects on the face, which causes them discomfort, and they are always looking for effective products, treatments and solutions that achieve the desired results in the shortest possible time.






Fenugreek mask to get rid of acne scars:


Fenugreek is famous for its benefits that help eliminate the effects of pimples, exfoliate the skin, and eliminate acne. Fenugreek can be used as a skin mask by mixing a spoonful of ground fenugreek with honey and placing it on the face for half an hour. Or you can use a spoonful of ground fenugreek with a spoonful of yogurt and put the mask on your face for 30 minutes, as your skin will improve significantly in the first two weeks.


Honey mask to remove pimple marks:


Honey is one of the most effective ways to get rid of the effects of pimples, as it helps renew skin cells, cleanses the skin and protects it from infections. Honey can be applied to your face only after washing and drying it well for 20-30 minutes. This process can be repeated daily or four times a week.


Yogurt mask to remove pimples:


Yogurt is considered one of the most effective ingredients in eliminating the effects of acne, brightening and unifying the skin, in addition to moisturizing the skin. You can simply use yogurt on your face for 30 minutes a day or four times a week. Or use a yogurt mask with a tablespoon of lemon and a little honey for faster results. If honey causes you allergies, avoid using it and stick to only yogurt or lemon yogurt, and you will notice the difference within two weeks.


Potato and milk mask to get rid of acne scars:


Potatoes help eliminate the effects of acne and improve skin freshness and radiance. You can use just mashed potatoes as a mask on the skin, or you can use potato slices and pass them over the face and leave the potato water for 20 minutes on the face. Mixing potatoes with milk is no less beneficial than using potatoes alone. You can make a potato mask with milk by boiling a potato and then mashing it with an appropriate amount of milk until you obtain a cohesive and homogeneous consistency, ranging from 20 minutes to 30 minutes. We repeat the process three or four times a week.


Green tea face pack to eliminate pimples:


Green tea contains antioxidants that help maintain healthy skin. Using a tea mask helps eliminate the effects of pimples. Boil green tea with a cup of water and leave it until it cools, then dip a clean cotton ball in green tea, place it on your face and leave it for 30 minutes. Repeat this method every day to get the best results.

Why Vitamin E capsules are good for your skin

There are many types of vitamins that contribute to skin care, the most important of which is vitamin E capsules, the antioxidants contained in them solve most skin care problems.

According to the “stylecraze” website, you can compensate for vitamin E deficiency by eating foods rich in vitamin E. However, if your diet cannot meet the recommended daily dose of vitamin E, you can consult a doctor and take nutritional supplements. This article discusses the different ways of using capsules. Vitamin E for skin health, the risks associated with it, and who should take it and avoid it.

Ways to use vitamin E capsules for the skin

There are two ways you can use Vitamin E capsule for your skin:

Taking it as a supplement, or applying it directly to your skin, both have similar benefits and results.

Benefits of vitamin E capsules for the skin

Vitamin E contains alpha tocopherol, a powerful antioxidant that protects your skin from harmful free radicals. Its benefits include:

Prevent UV damage

Vitamin E protects your skin from UV rays along with Vitamin C to protect your skin from the harmful effects of UV rays.

Moisturizes your skin

Vitamin E contains elements that help moisturize your skin along with its antioxidants, and this can help your skin stay healthy.

Reduces signs of aging

Aging reduces collagen production and leads to wrinkles and sagging skin, Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant and moisturizer, helps reduce fine lines, wrinkles and dark spots and treats dry skin.

Reduces inflammation

Many studies have proven the anti-inflammatory properties of Vitamin E. These properties promote the skin regeneration process as dead skin cells are replaced with healthier cells.

The benefits of ice compresses for the face

The benefits of ice compresses for the face and we will talk about the benefits of ice for oily skin The benefits of ice for the face before bed What is ice You will find all these topics in our article




Benefits of ice packs for the face

1- Increases the absorption of cosmetics. This old trick ensures that your skin absorbs all the products you put on it. If you apply a night cream or serum to your skin, rub an ice cube on it. This tightens the capillaries in your face and creates a tightening effect on your skin which in turn helps absorption. Perfect for products.

2- Facial wrinkles: Although you cannot reverse aging, you can control the signs of aging. Placing ice cubes on your face helps control wrinkles and signs of aging. It not only helps reduce existing wrinkles, but also prevents the formation of wrinkles. New.



3- It closes the pores of the skin. Your face contains pores that secrete natural oils and sweat, which helps keep it clean. However, if dirt accumulates in the pores, it causes pimples and acne to appear. Massage with an ice cube on your face after that. Washing helps shrink pores, keeping dirt out of your pores and cleans your face.

4- Ice cubes for skin care and dark circles. Applying ice regularly to your face can help you treat stubborn dark circles. What you have to do is boil some rose water and mix cucumber juice in it, then freeze this mixture, then put an ice cube. On the eye area, but do not expect overnight results, because it works slowly, you will have to repeat this procedure for a few days to see results.

Getting rid of facial spots and large pores with eggshells

Eggs have many beneficial properties for skin health, and when you use eggs to prepare recipes, you get rid of the eggshells, but did you know, Madam, that eggshells contain many vitamins and minerals, the most important of which is calcium? Through this article, we will point out the importance of eggshells for the face and the most important recipes used from them, so follow us. .


Benefits of eggshells for the face:



• Treats facial acne and eliminates pimples on it.

• Eggshells work as a natural facial exfoliant that removes dead skin cells, keeping your face fresh and bright.

• He tightens the face and treats the problem of sagging that he suffers from.

• It enhances blood circulation to the face, giving the skin the appropriate nutrition. It contains many vitamins and minerals.

• It contributes to solving the problem of facial infections and treating some diseases that may occur, such as skin psoriasis and others.

• It unifies the color of the face, treats the problem of pigmentation, and also adds softness to the face.

• Eggshells fight premature aging and cleanse the pores of the face.




Eggshell and aloe vera gel recipe


This recipe works to give the face freshness and vitality, as this recipe enhances blood circulation to the face.

How to prepare

1. Mix 2 tablespoons of ground egg shells with a tablespoon of aloe vera gel until completely mixed.

2. Apply the recipe to your face and massage gently in circular motions.

3. Leave the recipe for 20 minutes.

4. Rinse the face afterwards with lukewarm water.


Eggshell and egg white recipe


The recipe plays an effective role in getting rid of large facial pores, the presence of which causes impurities to accumulate on them and clog them, leading to the end of facial pimples.

How to prepare

1. Mix 2 tablespoons of ground eggshells with an egg white and mix them well until you get a homogeneous mixture.

2. Distribute the mixture on your face and leave it until it dries completely.

3. Wash your face with cold water.


Eggshell and honey recipe


The recipe is effective in cleansing the face and getting rid of dark spots.

How to prepare

1. Mix 6 teaspoons of ground eggshells with 2 teaspoons of honey until well combined.

2. Apply the mixture on your face and leave it for 30 minutes.

3. Remove the mixture with plain water.

Natural recipes for combination skin care

Combination skin is one of the skin types that requires special care as it is a combination of dry skin and oily skin that shows certain areas of the face, especially the T-zone.





1- Mix rose water, milk and honey

Mix a tablespoon of each yogurt with honey and rose water. The mixture is then used for 15 minutes on the skin, then rinsed with cold water. It helps to effectively eliminate complex skin problems and excess oils in skin cells.


2- Almond and oat mixture

Oatmeal is one of the most beneficial natural ingredients for combination skin care. Soak 10 almonds in water overnight, then grind them well. Mix ground almonds with a tablespoon of oatmeal and a teaspoon of honey and yogurt to obtain a homogeneous mixture. The mixture is used on the skin to get rid of excess fat and cleanse the skin well.


3- Banana and papaya mixture

Mash a banana with half a papaya, adding a little honey. The mixture is used on the skin for 10 minutes, which helps take care of your combination skin and get rid of its common problems.


4- Moroccan clay mixture

Mix an appropriate amount of clay powder with rose water. The mixture is then used on the facial skin until it dries completely, then rinsed well afterward. This helps soothe and refresh the skin.


5- Cucumber mixture

Use half a grated cucumber with a teaspoon of honey and half a tablespoon of milk. Use the mixture on the skin for 15 minutes, for refreshed and revitalized skin.


Aesthetic benefits of natural elements for combination skin:

Honey and bananas are excellent natural moisturizers for the skin.


Yogurt helps soften and moisturize the skin.


Oats and papaya are among the best ingredients to exfoliate the skin and get rid of dead skin layers.


Vitamin E oil found in almonds helps nourish the skin.


Rose water also works to maintain the balance of dry areas and oily areas.


Clay and cucumber help soothe and refresh the skin.

An essential oil that gives your hair 6 magical benefits

Rosemary (rosemary)


Rosemary essential oil, or what is known as rosemary oil, has a large number of benefits. Rosemary oil is extracted from a plant native to the Mediterranean region. It is a semi-woody, evergreen plant that belongs to the mint family and contains a fibrous root system.


The origin of the rosemary plant being called “rosemary” goes back to two Latin words: rhous, which means sumac, and marinus, which means sea. Many experts agree that rosemary derivatives solve many cosmetic problems, especially hair loss.


According to a report published by WIO News, 6 magical benefits for hair can be obtained when using rosemary oil preparations, as follows:


Hair loss


1. Promote hair growth


Rosemary contains a large amount of carnosic acid, which is known to heal tissue and nerve damage and helps in cell regeneration. According to studies, rosemary supports hair growth in a similar way to minoxidil, which is widely used to treat hair loss.


2. Prevent hair loss


Rosemary oil provides antioxidant benefits that prevent hair loss, and even works to rejuvenate hair in cases of baldness or weak follicles.




3. Get rid of dandruff


Rosemary oil can be a blessing when dealing with pesky dandruff. Since rosemary oil contains an antibacterial and antifungal agent, it can effectively treat flaky scalp and relieve dandruff problems.


4. Stimulate blood


Rosemary oil stimulates blood flow to hair follicles, which increases the delivery of oxygen and nutrients, and promotes hair growth, in addition to its natural anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties, which also inherently provide a bit of moisture and shine.


Nourishing hair with vegetable oils


5. Strengthening hair


Using rosemary oil helps you get thick, dense and strong hair strands. According to many dermatologists, rosemary oil has the ability to prevent hair loss by preventing oxidative stress to the hair follicles.


. Relieve scalp irritation


Aside from its antioxidant benefits, rosemary oil also offers anti-inflammatory benefits, as rosemary oil has been proven to relieve skin conditions such as psoriasis, eczema, and inflammation.

6 Herbs That Can Boost Collagen Naturally

Wrinkles are a natural part of aging and appear clearly on exposed parts of the skin, such as the face, neck, hands, and forearms, according to what was published by the Mayo Clinic website. Although genetic factors are considered the main reason that determines the structure and texture of the skin, exposure to the sun is one of the main and common causes of the appearance of wrinkles, especially in people with light skin. Pollutants and smoking also contribute to the appearance of wrinkles.


Exposure to UV rays accelerates the natural aging process, which translates into premature wrinkles, as it breaks down the connective tissue in the skin, which is collagen and elastin fibers, which are located in the deep layer of the skin, known as the dermis. Experts also warn that smoking leads to suffering from the same problem because it negatively affects the body’s production of collagen. According to what was published by the WIO News website, there are 6 herbs that can help improve the body’s production levels of collagen naturally, as follows:


1. Cinnamon

The ancient cinnamon plant, which has been living for nearly 2,000 years, grows in Namibia. The cinnamon plant has only two long leaves and a unique growth pattern. Eating it helps stimulate the body’s production of collagen naturally.

2. Indian ginseng

Indian ginseng, also known as ashwagandha, increases collagen production and helps nourish the skin. It also rejuvenates dead cells

3. Ginseng

Ginseng roots are filled with compounds, which help slow down collagen loss and maintain skin elasticity. They promote collagen production and increase blood circulation activity.



4. Turmeric

Curcumin, the main compound found in turmeric, reduces oxidative stress and inflammation, which helps in tissue repair and increases collagen production.

5. Moringa

Moringa plant is known to be rich in Vitamin C and helps in increasing collagen. Moringa lotions help make the skin appear plumper and tighter and increase blood circulation.

6. Ginger

Ginger is full of antioxidants that increase blood health in the body and boost collagen production.

Teenage skin care methods

Teenage skin care methods


Many girls suffer from acne during adolescence due to the changes


Hormonal hormones associated with puberty, which increase the secretion of sebum in the skin, which is why pimples appear.


The severity of acne varies among girls, as it is mild in some and severe in others


. We advise you to visit a dermatologist if you suffer from acne


Especially in cases of severe infection, we will prescribe the appropriate preparations and treatment if necessary.


Learn some steps you can add to your teen skincare routine


Skin care methods before applying makeup


Many girls notice that makeup does not last well and does not blend well with the skin, and this is often due to lack of hydration.


Make sure to wash your face gently and moisturize it with a suitable moisturizer before applying makeup, and you will notice how it looks homogeneous and more stable.


Also, do not forget to apply sunscreen after moisturizing and before starting to apply makeup.

What is the function of blood platelets?

Blood is a viscous liquid that fills the blood vessels with it. It rushes throughout all the organs of the body as a result of the contraction of the heart muscle. The blood transports oxygen from the lungs to the tissues, and also transports nutrients to the cells in order to produce the energy needed for the body. Blood consists of: plasma, cells Red blood, white blood cells, and platelets, so in this article we will introduce you to the function of one of the basic blood components, which is platelets.





They are cells, or flattened parts of the cytoplasm, with a diameter of approximately three nanometers, and they have many shapes. Platelets do not include a nucleus or cellular muscles. Their annual lifespan ranges from seven to ten days, and they have a high ability to bond and adhere. Some of them, which makes them play a necessary role in the blood clotting process, and their number ranges from 150,000 to 400,000 thousand per cubic millimeter.



Platelet function


The primary function of platelets is to stop bleeding by forming clots, or clots, that stop the rushing of blood as a result of exposure to an injury. They also secrete some necessary substances, such as adrenaline, histamine, and serotonin, which play an important role in the contractions that occur in blood vessels, in addition to their contribution to blood vessels. The process of phagocytosis by binding to microbes that are ingested by phagocytic cells.



It is possible to donate platelets to others, and the percentage of platelets that can be donated in a normal situation ranges between 200-400 milliliters, and the donation process takes approximately sixty minutes, and occurs by drawing blood from which the platelets are extracted, and then it is returned to the person again using a device. Private medical.



It is possible for the percentage of platelets to decrease in large quantities, and this is accompanied by the appearance of a skin rash with red spots, most often found on the feet and ankles. This deficiency results in internal bleeding, such as stomach bleeding, or bleeding inside the brain, and the reason for this deficiency is due to injury to the individual. Viruses, such as smallpox and cold viruses, or a malfunction in the immune system, or taking medications without consulting a doctor, or as a result of viral vaccinations.



blood types


In the past, especially before the beginning of the twentieth century, it was believed that blood was only one type, and similar among all people. When attempts were made to transfuse blood from healthy individuals to other patients, the sick person often died, and as a result, blood transfusion was prohibited for a long time in Europe. This remained the case until the Austrian scientist Karl Landsteiner discovered blood antigens in 1902, after noticing that patients died when blood was transfused to them. Antigens are glycoproteins found on the surface of red blood cells. Later, scientists divided the blood groups into four sections: : A,B,AB,O.

Nutrient deficiency…these are its symptoms

The German Federal Center for Nutrition said that nutrient deficiency in the body means not supplying the body with sufficient amounts of vitamins, minerals, proteins and fats.


The German Center explained that nutrient deficiency in the body has several causes, including:


Malnutrition. Some diseases such as chronic intestinal diseases such as Crohn’s disease. Loss of appetite resulting from aging or psychological problems such as depression. Symptoms of nutrient deficiency in the body are: constant fatigue, muscle weakness, muscle cramps, wasting, fatigue, poor concentration, headache, dizziness, pale face, brittle nails, hair loss, bone pain, tingling and numbness in the extremities, frequent infection due to a weak immune system, nervous system, speed. Agitation and mood disturbances. Nutrient deficiency in the body can be addressed through the following: Following a healthy diet based on vegetables, fruits, whole grain products rich in dietary fiber, low-fat meat, fish, and low-fat dairy products. Staying away from fast food and ready-made foods. Taking into account the body’s increased need for nutrients in some people, such as pregnant women. Breastfeeding women and athletes