Orthodontics between cosmetic and necessity

Orthodontics is considered one of the most important cosmetic treatments for humans, which helps in obtaining perfect alignment of the jaw and teeth. However, many people ask about the appropriate time to start orthodontics and whether there is a specific age for this that cannot be exceeded.


Dr. Ahmed Khafaji, an orthodontist and cosmetic dentist, said: “Orthodontics is not specific to a specific age. Orthodontics can be used from the child’s first months, until an advanced age, especially if the jaw bone and healthy gum condition allow the teeth to move. This information may be ignorant to many.”


Khafaji pointed to cases mentioned in orthodontic books that were more than fifty years old and were referred to an orthodontist, for modifications that would allow the brush to reach all surfaces of the teeth to clean them, or to lengthen or shorten some teeth, or provide sufficient distance for dental implants or installation.


He added, “As for surgical orthodontics, it cannot be performed before the age of 18, and is subject to a decision from the maxillofacial surgeon. It will be necessary to place an orthodontic device one year before and one year after the surgery.”


Khafaji said: “We must first know that orthodontics is a treatment to put the teeth in their correct place, and sometimes we use braces to modify the teeth in a certain way to hide some defects in one or both jaws.”


• Early Intervention:

Khafaji touched on some cases that must be treated early, where he said: There are cases in which it is preferable to treat early, that is, from the beginning of the appearance of permanent teeth between six and nine years, and one should not wait until the permanent teeth are complete, and these cases are:

• One jaw is larger or smaller than the other.

• The lower permanent teeth are advanced more than the upper teeth in a condition called inverse alignment.


In these cases, the doctor can intervene in the growth of the jaws, accelerating the growth of one jaw at the expense of the other, larger jaw, in order to achieve balance using orthodontic devices, before the opportunity passes and the jaw cannot be modified except surgically.


He added that in many cases other than the ones he mentioned, it is preferable to start wearing braces at the age of 12 to 13 years, as most of the permanent teeth, including canines (except wisdom teeth), have already appeared and their problems have become apparent.

Dr. Ahmed Khafaji, an orthodontist and cosmetic dentist, said: “Orthodontics is not specific to a specific age. Orthodontics can be used from the child’s first months, until an advanced age, especially if the jaw bone and healthy gum condition allow the teeth to move. This information may be ignorant to many.”

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