Orange Mask for Blackheads

Orange Mask for Blackheads






1 dessertspoon of clay


1 Teaspoon Orange Juice


1 Dessert of Lemon Juice


1 Teaspoon of Starch


Preparation and application:


Combine the ingredients in a small clean bowl and mix well.


Apply the mixture to your skin by massaging it with your fingertips.


Wait 30 minutes.


Wash off with plenty of lukewarm water.


Dry with a towel.



Apply this mask, which destroys blackheads, twice a week at regular intervals.


If the consistency of the mask becomes dark while preparing the mask, you can add a few drops of water.


While applying the mask to your skin, apply it so that it does not come to the lips and eye area.


Before trying this mask, which is rich in vitamins and minerals, on your skin, leave it on a small area of ​​your hand for 30 minutes. With this method, you can test whether your skin is allergic to the mask. If there are no symptoms, you can easily apply it to your skin.


We are also in the season of orange. We should take advantage of this opportunity for our skin before the time of seasonal fruits passes.

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