Onions are a pharmacy in your hands, so seize them

Onion is one of the most beneficial foods on the face of the earth. It provides protection against cancer and is beneficial for the heart, osteoporosis, and many other benefits.


1- Onions prevent cancer:


Onions are one of the foods that protect against diabetes. In the Vidalia region of the Republic of Georgia, a type of onion is famous, called “Vidalia onion,” and the population eats a lot as part of their daily diet. Statistics have recorded that the population there enjoys protection against cancer. And a decrease in the death rate due to stomach cancer in particular, by up to 50% compared to the rest of the surrounding republics. And according to a study conducted by the National Cancer Institute in the United States, it was found that eating onions in abundance, especially with other types of the same plant family such as garlic, provides protection against cancer, especially stomach cancer, esophageal cancer and prostate cancer.


2- Onions reduce osteoporosis:


In one of the studies, the ovaries of a group of female mice were removed with the purpose of exposing them to loss of bone mass, as the chance of women to develop osteoporosis increases after the cessation of ovarian activity by menopause, and it was found that feeding them with onions reduced the possibility of osteoporosis. In another study published in the Nature newspaper, feeding a group of male rats on onion powder daily led to an increase in bone calcium that amounted to about 17%.


3- Onions are very beneficial for heart health:


Onions are a “pharmacy” that collects many types of beneficial compounds, especially those that give onions its pungent, annoying smell. Onions participate in these compounds with the rest of the members of its plant family, such as garlic, green onions and shallots, and one of the most prominent of these compounds


Sulfides, Thiosulfinates, Sulfoxides, and researchers have mentioned that onions are one of the important foods that reduce the rate of death from heart disease by about 20%, while other foods included broccoli, green tea, apples and the rest of the onion family.


4- Onions are useful for allergy sufferers and asthmatics:


Another compound in the “Onion Pharmacy” is Quercetin, which has an anti-allergic effect and belongs to the family of antioxidant flavonoids. It has been found that this compound is useful in controlling cases of chest allergies, nasal allergies and hay fever that lead to shortness of breath, bronchial tightness and obstruction. the nose .


5- What kind of onions do you choose?


All onions are useful, but red or scarlet onions are superior to white onions because they are rich in beneficial pigments that give them this coloring. And the stronger the onion smell in general, the more benefits. And onions at the present time is one of the few plant foods that have succeeded in contamination with pesticides, so you can eat it safely.

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