Olive Oil Mask for Acne Wounds on the Skin

Olive Oil Mask for Acne Wounds on the Skin






1 Tea Glass of Mineral Water


2 Tablespoons of Water


1 Tablespoon of Olive Oil


Preparation and application:


Mix mineral water and water in a bowl.


Dip a cotton ball into this mixture and rub it into your skin.


Wait 15 minutes.


Wash off with plenty of lukewarm water.


Dry with a towel.


Massage olive oil onto your dry skin.


Wait 20 minutes.


Cleanse your skin using plenty of warm water and skin cleansing gel.


Dry with a towel.




You can apply this method, which quickly heals the wounds on the skin, 1-2 times a week at regular intervals.


Before applying the mask to your skin, wash your skin with soap.


Mineral water and olive oil content are very rich in vitamins and minerals. Therefore, this mask makes a great contribution to providing the necessary vitamins and minerals for the skin. These masks we have prepared have many benefits on the skin. These;


Shrinks enlarged pores.


It deeply cleans the oil and dirt accumulated in the pores of oily skin.


Mineral water and olive oil are natural moisturizers. With regular use, it helps to meet the moisture needed by the skin.


It dries out acne and prevents the formation of acne.


Provides freshness and relaxation to the skin.


When applied on fine lines on the skin, it reduces the formation of wrinkles.


Mineral water is a great stain remover. If you wish; After mixing mineral water with water, keep it in the freezer section of the refrigerator and apply it by massaging your skin while it is in ice form.The effect will be even more.

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