olive oil for hair restoration

Olive oil for hair

Olive oil is one of the most important effective ingredients not only for skin care but also for your hair. Therefore, it is considered a magical and effective remedy to get rid of problems facing the skin and hair.

Olive oil for hair

And if you suffer from dry and damaged hair, olive oil is the magic solution for hair restoration, eliminating dryness and moisturizing the scalp.
It is rich in the essential nutrients needed to moisturize the hair strands and nourish the roots, and it is an effective treatment to stop hair loss, not only that, but it provides you with many wonderful aesthetic benefits for the health and vitality of hair.
Frequent use of hair dyes or chemical straightening treatments can damage and split hair. Olive oil with aloe vera is a wonderful combination to restore the vitality of your hair.
Required ingredients
2 tablespoons of aloe vera gel
2 tablespoons of olive oil

Preparation steps
– Mix olive oil and aloe vera gel well to get a homogeneous consistency.
– Distribute the resulting mixture on hair strands and scalp and leave for half an hour before rinsing well. Repeat this method twice a week to take great care of your hair

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