Natural stimulants to strengthen the body

Despite the spread of many industrial food products that help strengthen the body after exercising, some sports medicine specialists, including German Max Tim, recommend eating some natural foods that help strengthen the body and provide it with all the energy it needs. Among what nutritionists advise is glucose, which many athletes take during exercise to raise their performance.

Despite the high energy that the body gets when consuming glucose, Max Tim warns against overdoing it because sugar slows down the metabolism. Pineapple is also a food that stimulates the body’s nature.

The importance of pineapple is due to the fact that it contains the enzyme bromelain, which is found in high concentration in pineapples. According to Tim, bromelain is one of the most important enzymes used in the sports field because it is an anti-inflammatory and an effective sedative in the event of injuries.

Tim also recommends eating walnuts because they have a very high percentage of protein, which makes them a useful nutrient for the muscles, as it promotes their growth and helps them rest after exercise. As for red beet juice, it gives the body energy and improves blood flow. It helps the secretion of nitrites, which activates stamina.

Although beetroot juice is difficult to digest, Tim believes that it improves performance as an incentive to eat it. Red beets should not be eaten in large quantities, as nitrite causes the formation of nitrosamines, which are harmful to health. The sports medicine specialist also advises eating meat, as it provides the body with the largest amount of protein possible.

As for those who depend on a diet free of meat and its derivatives, they can eat soy or legumes, lentils and peas, because they are substances that contain huge amounts of protein as well.

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