Natural recipes for treating skin pigmentation

Natural recipes for treating skin pigmentation: Skin pigmentation is one of the things that bother some women and often occurs as a result of an increase in the production of melanin in the skin, which makes it look dark, and also because of the high price of creams to treat pigmentation, in addition to containing chemicals that can harm the skin, so Through my site, make sure through this topic that, dear ones, I present to you the best natural recipes for treating skin pigmentation with the skin.


Natural recipes for the treatment of skin pigmentation with the skin, a recipe for honey and lemon juice for the treatment of skin pigmentation, ingredients


2 teaspoons of honey.

A teaspoon of lemon juice.


How to prepare


1. Mix honey with lemon juice until you get a completely homogeneous mixture.

2. Apply the mixture to the pigmented areas.

3. Leave it on for 10 minutes, then rinse it off with lukewarm water.

4. Repeat the recipe 3 times a week for best results.


Cucumber juice recipe to treat skin pigmentation


2 tablespoons of cucumber juice.

a piece of cotton


How to prepare


1. Dip a cotton pad in cucumber juice and apply it to your skin.

2. Leave the cucumber juice on the skin for 20 minutes

3. After the treatment, wash your skin with cold water using it daily.


Oatmeal recipe to lighten pigmented areas


One tablespoon of ground oatmeal.

A teaspoon of yogurt.


2 tablespoons of tomato juice.


How to prepare


1. Mix the ingredients until a uniform consistency is obtained.

2. Apply the mixture to the skin and leave it for 20 minutes.

3. Then remove the mixture from the skin with lukewarm water.

4. Repeat its application continuously to get satisfactory results.


See also: The benefits of green clay for the skin


Mint recipe for skin discoloration ingredients


A bunch of mint leaves.

some water.


How to prepare


1. Finely chop the mint leaves and add water to facilitate the chopping process, until a homogeneous paste is obtained.

2. Apply the paste on the pigmented skin areas for 20 minutes.

3. Then rinse your skin with lukewarm water.

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