Natural Mask for Chapped Lips

Natural Mask for Chapped Lips






1 Teaspoon of Yogurt


1 Teaspoon of Sesame Oil


Preparation and application:


Take the ingredients in a small bowl and mix well.


Apply the mixture with your fingertips by massaging your lips.


Wait 10 minutes.


Wash off with plenty of lukewarm water.


Dry with a towel.




Make this mask once a week, which removes dead cells on the lips and heals lip cracks.


Sesame oil contains vitamins A, B, E and minerals such as zinc, copper, magnesium, calcium and phosphorus. It also contains fatty acids such as Omega 6 and Omega 9. It contributes to the moisturizing of the skin with its rich minerals and vitamins.


Any skin type can make this mask. It is a great savior especially for those with dry skin.

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