Natural blends: Iced tea for shiny eyes

The eye is considered the mirror of beauty, so women attach great importance to it, especially since, according to some, it speaks of many personality traits. The Arab woman, who is known for the beauty of her eyes in terms of color and drawing, does not underestimate the importance of taking care of her eyes, but on the contrary, she is preoccupied with preserving her beauty. With her makeup only.

In this context, we offer you a magical tea mixture for bright eyes.

You need:

Paper tea.

An appropriate amount of water.

Cotton for removing make-up.


Make a cup of tea without adding sugar.

Put it in the freezer until the surface layer of it freezes – it will turn white -, then use tea as a liquid to clean the eyes, and do not be afraid of touching the eyes with tea, as it does not harm, but on the contrary, it gives the eye an unparalleled luster.

Relax a little and then repeat the process, you will notice an unparalleled luster.

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