Mixtures for dry and cracked heels

We always focus on skin and hair care and forget about caring for other areas of the body; Like dry and cracked heels. It is our feet that withstand the pressure throughout the day, whether we are standing or moving. This leads to severe stress in the feet and as a result, one of the most common problems people face is dry and cracked heels. Also called heel cracks, it can happen to people of any age.

If left untreated, dry, cracked heels may worsen and become painful in the long run. Some visible signs of dry and cracked heels  , a thick layer of skin around the heel area, itching, and sometimes skin redness and inflammation .

What causes cracked heels?

Dry and cracked heels is the result of various factors that occur on a daily basis such as walking on the ground barefoot or wearing shoes that expose your heels. Wearing high-heeled shoes or tight athletic shoes can cause dry, flaky skin around the feet. Other factors include standing on your feet for long hours, lack of hydration of the feet, which leads to dry skin or showers in very hot water.

There are also aging factors and certain medical conditions such as diabetes, eczema, psoriasis or zinc deficiency that can lead to cracked heels.

Mixtures for dry and cracked heels:

1. Vaseline

Vaseline is one of the most easily available skin care products, and is often found in every home. Vaseline is known for its many healing benefits, you can use it not only on cracked heels, but also on any rough area of ​​the skin.
You can apply petroleum jelly to cracked heels or layer on moisturizer or lotion for a stronger heel treatment.

See also:   With these recipes you will see softness and whiteness in your hands

2. Coconut oil

In the list of all-purpose skincare ingredients, coconut oil ranks in the top three. Coconut oil is a great remedy for cracked heels because it instantly hydrates dry feet and makes it easier to get rid of cracked feet. Additionally, if your heels are inflamed or have bleeding wounds, coconut oil’s anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties will help soothe it.

3. Honey

Honey is a natural humectant that attracts moisture from the environment to enter the skin. Not only that, but honey also retains moisture levels in the skin for a long time and prevents dryness or cracking of the skin. It also has antiseptic and antibacterial properties that help treat wounds. In the case of cracked heels, honey can be mixed 

4.Shea Butter for Moisturizing

One of the miracle skin care superfood ingredients is Shea Butter. To heal cracked heels as well as prevent them from happening again, apply natural shea butter and shea butter creams to the affected area every day. Not only does it moisturize the heels, it also relieves itchiness and is known to boost collagen production in the skin and improve skin texture. Rich in fatty acids, vitamins A and E, oleic and palmitic acids, it absorbs well into cracked areas of the feet to nourish and soften them.

5. pumice stone

When it comes to cracked heels, in addition to using moisturizers regularly, a pumice stone should also be used to remove thick dead skin. It is easily available in medical and beauty stores and can be used during your foot soaking sessions or generally on wet feet

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