Mixtures for acne that can be applied easily at home

Mixtures for acne that can be applied easily at home and treat acne quickly away from drugs and their exorbitant prices, because the natural mixtures are characterized by rapid effect that are absorbed by the skin, in addition to that these masks contain natural substances to moisturize and sterilize the skin to reduce skin infections.

Fast-acting acne mixtures

Here are the best fast-acting acne mixtures that you can use at home to get clear skin.

Cabbage recipe for blisters

Cabbage or “cabbage”, as it is also called, is one of the popular recipes useful in treating acne. Roll a sheet and apply it as a patch to the skin for a quarter of an hour a day. Or patriotic pimple juice. This recipe has a cleansing effect on the skin and treats acne because it is rich in vitamins A and E.

Aloe vera mask for acne

Put a little aloe vera gel (aloe vera gel) on the pimples for half an hour, then rinse your face with water. Aloe vera contains anti-inflammatory substances and helps treat skin irritation and redness caused by acne. Repeat the mask daily.

Chamomile with vinegar

Boil three tablespoons of dried or fresh chamomile flower in a liter of water, then strain the mixture and pour it into a glass bottle, add 4 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar to it and keep the package in the refrigerator for daily use. The method involves dipping a cotton ball in the solution and wiping it on your face three times a day.

Yeast with tea tree oil

Mix fast-acting yeast with enough tea tree oil (you can substitute sesame oil) to make a paste. Apply the mixture to the skin and leave it on overnight.


A mixture of turmeric and sandalwood

Prepare a mask for your skin by mixing a teaspoon of sandalwood and turmeric powder and mixing it with milk. Mix the mixture on your face and leave it for a quarter of an hour. This recipe is characterized by the treatment of acne. Dawmi on the face 3 times a week.

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