
Mint and milk to whiten the face in a week

Mint and milk to whiten the face in a week

Women always strive to have clear and flawless skin using many means and methods.

Mint leaves
Mint leaves are rich in salicylic acid, which treats and prevents acne. Lemon juice has mild bleaching properties that help in fading acne

The issue of skin lightening and face whitening remains an important matter for many women, as they resort to using many methods that work to lighten the color of the skin, including facial peeling and laser, and they also resort to using ointments or natural mixtures that help lighten and whiten the face.

Read also:https://carebeautyco.com/fight-excess-oil-on-the-skin-with-rice-water-lotion/

Today, we offer you a way to lighten the skin by using mint and milk to get lighter skin in one week. Learn about the method with us and apply it yourself, according to the “Your Beauty” website.

A handful of fresh mint leaves.
Pinch of saffron.
Half a cup of hot water.
Three tablespoons of dry milk.

How to prepare and use
– Put hot water in a medium bowl.
Add mint leaves and saffron to the water.
– Flip the ingredients together.
Leave the mixture to rest, then strain it.
Add the dry milk to the filtered water, and stir the ingredients together.
– Put the mixture on the face and leave it to dry, and then wash it with cold water.

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