Milk benefits for skin lightening

Everyone desires to have more glowing and youthful skin by following a new skin care routine. Because of the busy lifestyle, stress, pollution, dietary habits, all these things make the skin lose its texture.

However, the old aesthetic secret is the use of milk to lighten the skin and get flawless and radiant skin. It is a quick way to lighten the skin or any part of the body naturally. Because it is one of the richest foods in nutrients and packed with proteins, enzymes, vitamins, minerals and lactic acid, it works effectively in lightening the skin.

Milk benefits for skin lightening

Benefits of milk to lighten the skin:

Milk contains vitamin A, which helps in the production of new cells. Vitamin D and calcium in milk promote collagen production and slow down the aging process, thus protecting the skin from free radicals. Vitamin B present in milk moisturizes the skin, biotin works to heal the skin from scars, vitamin B12 unifies skin tone, selenium protects the skin from sun damage, and protein repairs tissues and helps them grow. Magnesium provides radiance and glow to the skin, thus it brightens the skin, deeply cleanses the pores and removes dirt and dust.

1. Milk:

You can use milk alone in your beauty care routine to get lighter and more radiant skin. By soaking a piece of cotton in cold milk and wiping your skin with cotton, then rinsing with cold water and repeating this 2 times a day. Alternatively, you can pour the milk into an ice cube tray and allow it to freeze. Then take a frozen milk cube and massage the skin in circular motions.

2. Milk from honey:

Mix 1 teaspoon of honey and one tablespoon of milk together, then gently massage the milk in a circular motion for 2 minutes and leave it on the skin for 20 minutes, then rinse with cold water. 

3. Milk with Cucumber:

Mix 3 slices of cucumber with 1 tablespoon of milk or mix 3 tablespoons of cucumber juice and a tablespoon of milk and apply the mixture on the face and leave it for 20 minutes, then rinse the face 

4. Milk with Sugar and Aloe Vera:

Sugar removes the accumulated impurities on the skin, and aloe vera and milk provide moisturizing and lightening properties to the skin. Mix 3 tablespoons of milk with 1 teaspoon of sugar and a teaspoon of aloe vera gel. Make sure to apply a layer of the mixture on the face and allow it to stay for 5 minutes and rinse with lukewarm water, followed by water.

5. Milk to exfoliate the skin:

Dissolve a hanging of gelatin powder in 2 tablespoons of warm milk, add a little turmeric, stir between them well, then wipe the face with a cotton swab mixed with rose water, apply 3 layers of the mixture and allow it to dry completely. The mask peels the face when rubbing the face in the upward direction. You can rinse the face with cold water and leave it to dry. You can repeat this once a week. 

6. Milk with chickpea flour and lemon juice:

Mix 2 tablespoons of chickpea flour, 1 tablespoon of milk and 1 tablespoon of lemon juice. It is preferable to wash the face with warm water and apply the mixture, and after it dries, the face is washed with lukewarm water and then cold water. You can repeat this daily

7. Milk with Sandalwood Powder and Silt:

Combine a tablespoon of sandalwood powder and silt and gradually add an amount of milk until you get a suitable thickness, apply the mixture on clean skin and allow it to leave for 20 minutes, then rinse the face with lukewarm water and leave it to dry. 

8. Milk with Lemon:

You can soak a lemon slice in 1/2 cup of milk for 15 minutes, remove the lemon slices, then rub the skin with the lemon, and after 20 minutes, you can rinse it with water and repeat this 3 times a week.

9. Milk with rice:

Grind uncooked rice and turn it into a fine powder or use ready-made rice powder. Mix 1/2 cup of rice powder with enough water to get a paste. Apply the paste on the face and leave it for 25 minutes, then rinse the face with lukewarm water, followed by cold water.

10. Milk with Almonds:

Soak 5 almonds in water overnight and the next morning, you can grind the almonds to turn them into a paste, add 4 teaspoons of milk and mix well to get a paste that can be applied to the face. Leave it for 30 minutes on the face before rinsing the face with lukewarm water.

11. Milk with Cucumber:

Combine equal amounts of cucumber juice and milk and apply it to clean skin, leave it to dry, wash with cold water and leave it to dry completely. Repeat these steps daily and instead of the option you can add coconut water.

12. Milk with flour:

Combine sufficient amounts of flour and milk to make a thick paste, apply the mixture to the face, rub gently, and then rinse the face with water. You can repeat this process 2-3 times daily.

13. Milk and Orange Peel Powder:

Combine 1/2 tablespoon of milk, orange peel powder, 1 tablespoon of flour together and an amount of turmeric to form a paste. Apply the paste on the face and leave it for 15 minutes, then rinse the face with water 

14. Milk, rice powder and flour:

Combine sufficient amounts of milk to form a paste of 2 tablespoons flour, 1 tablespoon rice powder and sufficient amounts of milk to make a paste. Apply this mixture on the skin and leave it for 15 minutes, then rinse with cold water and leave the skin to dry. 

15. Milk with Oatmeal:

Combine 1/2 cup oatmeal with 1 cup water and cook for 15 minutes until the dough becomes soft and leave it to cool. Then apply this mixture on the face and then leave it for 30 minutes and rub gently for a few minutes before rinsing the face with lukewarm water. 

16. Sugar, oatmeal and milk:

Combine sufficient amounts of oatmeal, sugar and milk and distribute the mixture on the skin while gently massaging in a circular motion. After a few minutes of massage, you can rinse the face with warm water

17. Cinnamon with Rosemary:

Combine sufficient amounts of milk with 1 cup of uncooked oats, 1 teaspoon of rosemary and a small amount of cinnamon to get a thick paste. It is advised to stir well to store the mixture in an airtight container. It is preferable to keep the mixture in a place away from light or extreme heat, and before taking a shower, take a quantity of the mixture and rub it gently for a few minutes. Waiting for 20 minutes before rinsing with warm water.

18. Milk with Papaya:

Mix 1 cup of papaya with 3 tablespoons of milk and apply the mixture on the face and allow it to leave for 20 minutes and then rinse with lukewarm water. You can repeat this process 2-3 times a week.

19. Milk with Potatoes and Glycerin:

Get potato juice by pressing it and mixing potato juice with a small spoonful of milk and a few drops of glycerin and apply this mixture on the face and after 15 minutes you can clean it with lukewarm water. Thanks to repeating it 2-3 times a week. 

20. Milk, Glycerin and Rice Flour:

Combine a tablespoon of rice powder with potato pulp and milk to get a thick paste, then distribute this mixture on the skin and allow it to be left for 20-25 minutes on the face 

21. Milk with Tomatoes:

Combine 1/2 cup tomato juice and milk and apply the mixture on the face and after 20 minutes you can wash the face with cold water. It is preferable to repeat this process 2-3 times a week, 

22. Milk with turmeric:

Combine 1 teaspoon of milk with 1/2 teaspoon of turmeric and using your fingers or a brush, you can apply the mixture and distribute it on the face. It is preferable to leave it on the face for an hour and then rinse it with water. You can repeat this process 3 times a week until you notice desirable results. 

23. Milk Body Wash:

If you really want to get rid of dry skin and boost your skin glow, you can try this mask. By mixing a large hanging of Vaseline lotion for moisturizing, a large spoon of raw milk and a few drops of rose water together and using this mixture to get glowing skin. 

24. Get a smooth complexion:

If you want to have smooth skin before applying makeup and a natural flawless complexion, you can mix a few drops of cold milk on your foundation and mix it well before applying it to your skin. This mixture adds more radiance and brightness to your skin and works to reduce fine lines and wrinkles.

25. Milk with Sugar and Aloe Vera:

When mixing milk with sugar and aloe vera, it works as a great lightening mask. It is a fast and powerful mask in 5 minutes. Mix a teaspoon of sugar with a tablespoon of aloe vera gel and 3 tablespoons of raw milk and continue mixing until the sugar is completely dissolved in the milk. Apply this mixture on the face and then rinse the face with cold water after 5 minutes. The mask cleans the skin of any impurities in the pores

26. Lightening the body with milk:

To lighten the skin using milk, you can try to try an ancient beauty secret. By making a fresh paste of besan powder with raw milk and lemon juice, then rinsing with warm water and applying the thick paste on the face, preferably leaving it for 5 minutes before taking a shower, in order to lighten dark skin cells,

Tips and needs:

  •  If you have a lactose intolerance or a milk allergy, it is best to avoid using it.
  • Some home remedies for milk can make a mess during application. You need to wear old clothes while trying to apply.
  •  Raw milk provides better results than cold milk.
  • Try to exfoliate regularly to get rid of dead skin and clean the pores.
  • Apply sunscreen before leaving the house.
  •  To obtain the desired results in lightening, you need to eat a diet rich in beneficial elements such as vitamin A, vitamin C, and vitamin B.
  • Avoid stress and exercise regularly to get skin elasticity.
  •  Do not forget to remove make-up before going to sleep.
  • Exposing the face to steam achieves better results because it opens the pores.

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